
Golden Retriever

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Bryeridge Americas Beauty

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Bryeridge Americas Beauty
Bryeridge N Gsr's Freedom Is Never Free CGCA CGCU TKA
Bryeridge Itz All About The Sass At Gsr CGCA CGCU
Bryeridge I Wanna Do Bad Things With You
BISS OHBIS GCHB J R's Golden Angel's Steer in the Right Direction BN RN DS CA CGCA CGCU TKN TDI BISS
Gentille's Chloe CGC
J R's Golden Angel's Putting Down Anchor DJ CA TKN CGCA CGCU TDI BOSS
Am GCH Can GCH MBIS Chestnut Doesn't Get Better Than This OS BPIS Can SDHF BISS CGN (9.5 years)
Passion's Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels BN RA CA DJ WC TDI CGCA CGCU
Passion's Gsa General Washinton's Blue Star
Passion's Blond-Haired Soldier
GSR's The Blues Are Brewin CGCA CGCU TKA
Int Nat CH GSR's One Too Many CGCA CGCU
Gsr Honey Angel
GSR's Pour Me Another CGCA CGCU
Intl Natl CH GSR's It's In The Bag RN CGC
Int'l Nat'l UKC CH Gsr's Strut N' My Stuff CGCA CGCU TDInc (11 years)
Int'l / Nat'l / UKC CH Golden Sunrise Gimme Half A Chance CGCA (11 years)
Golden Sunrise Autum Breeze
Golden Sunrise Daybreak Beamer
AM Int'l Nat'l UKC CH GSR's Sure Shot For River Rock CGCA BOSS
Golden Sunrise Velvet Flute
UKC CH GSR's New Years Rockin' Eve CGC
Gsr's She's Got Charisma CGCA
Golden Sunrise Foxy Roxy
Int'l / Nat'l / UKC CH Gsr's Throw Some Glitter Make It Rain CGCA
Signature Golden Star
Nevani Bryeridge I Cost A Fortune CGCA CGCU
Nevani's Dollar And A Dream
Nevani's Rosie Winner CGC CGCU FDC
Classic One And Only, Rosalea
Goldpaw's Ahhhh Caramel
Am GCH Can GCH MBIS Chestnut Doesn't Get Better Than This OS BPIS Can SDHF BISS CGN (9.5 years)
Happy Acres Sweet Mirabelle Rose
Happy Acres Gypsy Girl
Can Ch Bryeridge Goddess Of Nevani
Bryeridge Just Don'T Ask Me
UKC CH Colebrook Opk's Kodachromeo THD CGCA CGCU TKA TDI
Colebrooks Cloud Nine Martini At Moonlit Meadows
Colebrook Lost Freckles
Colebrook Get Your Shine On
Colebrook's Majestic Prince Charming
Honeybrook Cherish Of Colebrook (4.5 years)
Colebrooks Perfect Design By Flirt
U-CH Moonlit Meadow Don't Stop Believin CGCA CGCU TKA
IntCH NatCH Moonlit Meadows A Whale Of A Tale DJ
Moonlit Meadow The Future Is Everything

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