
Golden Retriever

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Walgod Pacman Nebula

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Walgod Pacman Nebula
Walgod Castle Edimburgo City
Walgod Fabulous Castle of Powis
Walgod Windsor Monumental Castle
Walgod Beautiful Castle of Conway
Rush de Arerungua
Ramona de Arerungua
Percival de Arerungua
Chopper de Arerungua
Tintin de Arerungua
arg.CH arg.GRCH Lady Sherlock De Arerungua (AKC SS35168802)
Can GCH Arg Goodtime Carry The Torch To Aviemore (AKC SR77450403)
Ch. Goodtime's Super G (AKC SR77450401)
RBIS GCHB Goodtime's Perfect Ten BISSx3 RN (AKC SR77450402)
CH Arg GCh Arg CH Panamericana Rufina de Arerungua
Julia de Arerungua
Tango de Arerungua (58433)
Caporal de Arerungua
Alejandro de Arerungua
Walgod Huahine Island (FCI RG/DFA/20/00838)
Walgod Tupai Island (FCI RG/DFA/20/00836)
CH BIS Golden Trip Maximus On The Road 66 (AKC SR86648209)
Golden Trip Maximus Live to Life (FCI BR11354)
Goldentrip Maximus Live The Life (AKC SR86648208)
CH Maximus Golden Trip Crazy In Love BOSS DN (AKC SR86648205 (10-17))
Maximus Golden Trip Falling In Love With You (AKC SR86648204)
BISP Walgod Bombom (FCI DFA/15/04692)
BIS BrCh. PanCh. Walgod Optimus Prime (FCI DFA/15/04689)
Walgod Shockwave (FCI DFA/15/04686)
Golden Universe MP Clara (FCI RG/PRB/19/01944)
Golden Universe MP Ariel GFF
Golden Universe MP Aurora GFF
RBIS Puppy Golden Universe MP Merida GFF
Golden Universe MP Bela GFF
Golden Universe MP Jasmine GFF
Golden Universe MP John GFF
Golden Universe MP Eric GFF
Golden Universe MP Aladdin GFF
Golden Universe MP Flynn GFF
Golden Universe MP Sarah
Golden Universe TS Milan
Golden Universe TS Luca DH
Golden Universe TS Trento
Golden Universe TS Assis
Golden Universe TS Napoli
Golden Universe TS Venice
Golden Universe TS Verona DH
Golden Universe TS Florence
Golden Universe TS Siena
Golden Universe TS Rome
Golden Universe TS Vicenza GFF
Golden Universe TS Vittoria GFF
Br. Ch. Voller Hoffnung Soarin Lead Story
Yin Siberia Blanca Golden Friend Forever
Mai Siberia Blanca Golden Friend Forever
Pepita Power DL Golden Friend Forever
Belita Power Golden Friend Forever
BISS. CHBR. BR Golden Sunshine Fatal Power (Other RJG/07/02051)
BR CH&GRCH, PAN CH&GRCH, GT CH, SV CH. INT.CH. Golden Sunshine Fatal Style BIS, BISS (Other RG/RJG/07/02053)
BIS.CH.AM.CH.CAN.GRD.CH.BR.GRD.VENC.NACIONAL Br Golden Sunshine Mission Fatale (AKC SR66170001)
BIS, BISS, BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Parfum Fatale (Other RG/RJG/07/02055)
BR.CH., BR.GR.CH. Golden Sunshine Beaute Fatale (Other RG/RJG/07/02054)
Phil.CH , Th.CH , Br.CH , BR.GrCh , Pan.GrCh Golden Sunshine Fatal Premonition (Other cbkcRJG/RG/07/02052)
Multi Biss, BOS Eukanuba,Arg Ch,Gr.Ch.Pan,Ch.Pan Julie Freedom Golden Friend Forever (SPX/06/02450)
ChInic. JCh. ChBr. GrChBr. ChPan. Ornella Freedom Golden Friend Forever (Other RG/SPX/06/02448)
Roy Freedom Golden Friend Forever (FCI SPX/06/02455)
Hank Freedon Golden Friend Forever (SPX/06/02449)
BrazCh,GrCh,PanCh, GrPanCh,ChInt Rebeca Freedom Golden Friend Forever (SPX/06/02449)
JCH, CH Phill Freedon Golden Friend Forever (SPX/06/02410)

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