
Golden Retriever

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Dj Jarboe Troy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dj Jarboe Troy (AKC SR76433107)
Ebacher's Marley Joe (AKC SR74284603 (11-13))
Dana's Jack Of Avon (AKC SR62125307 (8-11))
Jaymen's Indy Dayle (AKC SR50467802)
Jerry's All About Aspen
Buddy Lj Vernon (AKC SR20875609)
Sir Jeterton Of Brookstone (AKC SN87139803)
Daffani Joy (AKC SN74478209 (5-03))
Cocoa Mia Vernon (AKC SR38026705)
Diamond Sapphire Gem Goldenpaws (AKC SR38026708)
Sb Footballs Greatest Legacy (AKC SR20843204 (3-06))
Baby's Little Lucas (AKC SR14141701)
Mask Pac O' Pride (AKC SR20843202 (4-06))
Indiana Gold Dust (AKC SR20843203 (4-06))
Mask Sky's The Limit (AKC SR20843201)
Kudleigh Fifi Goldenpaws (AKC SR24193403 (2-07))
Grace Haskett
Lady Millicent Of Morning Valley (AKC SR43548105 (6-09))
Big Guy Jake Bad To The Bone (AKC SR24193402 (10/06))
Sir Rudyboy Bartholomew (AKC SR24193404 (11-06))
Caspers Mystical Lady (AKC SR24193408 (1-07))
Prince Lucky Goldenpaws (AKC SR24193405)
Sir Higgins Goldenpaws (AKC SR47684705)
Dana's Copper Penny (AKC SR65482604 (5-12))
Carroll's Tanner (AKC SR44434804 (11-09))
Jocko XIV (AKC SN41596103 (6-98))
Golden Jackson Wheatfield (AKC SN41596104)
Ravishing Enchanted Miss Ivy (AKC SR05439803 (3-05))
Shyanne Elizabeth Weesner (AKC SR44475201 (3-10))
Shelly Ann Hedden (AKC SR44475203 (11-09))
Sir Copper Dan Of Lucky C Farms (AKC SR15506406 (10-05))
Shelby Dixie Weesner (AKC SR21398103 (10-06))

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