K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Black Bunny of Kerrybrook

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Black Bunny of Kerrybrook (AKC SF746859.)
Westwinds Kirby (AKC SF986671)
NAFC FC AFC Winsom Cargo (AKC SC199145)
FC AFC Air Express (AKC SA566263 (11-70))
FC Wanapum Sheba (AKC SA565263 8-70)
NFC NAFC 2xCNFC FC AFC Wanapum Darts Dandy (AKC SA827919 (11-85))
Wanapum Darts Puck Hyah Toot (AKC SA827508)
Paha Sapa Greta (AKC SA630216)
'78CNFC FC Wanapum Darts Garbo (AKC SA827506)
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief (AKC SA153347 (07-65))
FC AFC Carr-Lab Penrod (AKC SA270506)
Cherokee King Bojo (AKC SA194796 (9-64))
Dajo's Folly
Miss Chief Cherokee (AKC SA153346 (1-66))
FC AFC Paha's Pow Wow (AKC SA455896 (9-68))
FC Chief Black Feather (AKC SA300468 (1-68))
Hitch's Hawk (AKC SA173914 (2-66))
Spring Farms Lucky (AKC SA411762)
FC AFC Paha Sapa Warpaint (AKC SA484616)
Billy Be Good (AKC SA277065 (8-65))
Can.Dual CH Dart Of Netley Creek (AKC SA329476 8-66)
Piegan's Charisma (AKC SB430772)
Piegan's Sassy Chica (AKC SB421999)
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal (AKC SA558031 (1-70))
Winroc Osa Negra (AKC SB080340.)
FC AFC Piegan's Criseyde (AKC SA652932)
Crook's Super Mist (AKC SA702359 12-71)
Westwinds Super Boots (AKC SD087297)
Carolina's Hart's Delight (AKC SD366810)
Trieven Abigail (AKC SD408273)
FC AFC Fountain Valley Thunderball (AKC SD175413)
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho (AKC SB366285 (8-75))
FC AFC Raider's Torrid Lady (AKC SB409433)
Taurus Gypsy Jura (AKC SD534694)
Raider's Kansas Pscyclone (AKC SC200246)
FC AFC Trumarc's Raider (AKC SA781481 (07-72))
Crook's Cascade Dawn
Carcajou (SA873719) (AKC SA873719)
Adalar Rachel Of Cork's Coot (AKC SA780903)
Doxie Gypsy Taurus (AKC SB188251 (06-73))
Quidado Merle (AKC SB045203 (9-74))
Am.Ft.Ch. Carr-Lab Phantom Jet (AKC SB270909)
FC AFC Sandhill's Happy Hooker (AKC SB453848 (8-78))
Trieven Fool Am.Ft.W. (AKC SB409513)
Trieven Super Boots (AKC SB325310)
Re-Trieven Kimko (AKC SB395405)
Trieven High Cotton (AKC SB335550)
AFC Trieven Jumping Jenny (AKC SB401917)
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief (AKC SA153347 (07-65))
FC AFC Carr-Lab Penrod (AKC SA270506)
Cherokee King Bojo (AKC SA194796 (9-64))
Dajo's Folly
Miss Chief Cherokee (AKC SA153346 (1-66))
FC AFC Paha's Pow Wow (AKC SA455896 (9-68))
FC Chief Black Feather (AKC SA300468 (1-68))
Hitch's Hawk (AKC SA173914 (2-66))
Spring Farms Lucky (AKC SA411762)
FC AFC Paha Sapa Warpaint (AKC SA484616)
Billy Be Good (AKC SA277065 (8-65))
FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots (AKC SA530618)
Twinkle's Polly Ann (AKC SA644279)
FC AFC Twinkle's Mandy (AKC SA628860 5-72)

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