K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Kentwone Munster of Oxenkiln

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Kentwone Munster of Oxenkiln
Kentwone Saint Nectaire
Nightfall Bramble
Jaywills Taupe Of Houghton
Rock Of Gibralter
Jaywills Page Of Houghton
Mekoro Red Kite
FTW Flashmount Meade
Flashmount Merlot
Flashmount Gin
Flashmount Claret
Flashmount Guiness
Flashmount Burgandy
Flashmount Vodka
Flashmount Rumm
Flashmount Cider
Flashmount Thrush
Flashmount Wren
Dreamacres Wigeon Von Mekoro
Dreamacres Whirlwind
Dreamacres Wigeon
Ceanothus Generous
Clares Abutilon of Havenbaulk
Koromas Briar Josey
Koromas Bracken
Koromas Bramble
FTCh Waterford Ganton
Waterford Gairloch
Waterford Gem
Waterford Gusto
Waterford Ghillie of Wendearose
FTCh Waterford Galahad of Tasco
Waterford Gamble of Dipplelodge
OFTW Jagdens Evie
Jagdens Eye
Jagdens Eros of Labdom
Osiacastle Pollys Field
Osiacastle Bowood
Osiacastle Petras Pride
Derrity Basil
Derrity Dill
Derrity Pepper
Derrity Spice
Derrity Juniper
Derrity Clove
Derrity Honey
FTW Derrity Rose
GB FTCh Derrity Mustard of Balswad
Swaine Celaeno
Swaine Kurah
Swaine Algedi
Swaine Dubhe
Swaine Enif
Swaine Nashira
Swaine Rasalas
Swaine Situla

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