K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Hurry Up And Wait

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hurry Up And Wait
FC AFC Fishtrap Debbie Does Ducks (AKC SM86006801)
Appoquinimink Creek Della
FC AFC Dare to Dream (AKC SM86006808)
FC AFC Wilderness Harley To Go (AKC SD906768)
FC AFC Itchin' To Go (AKC SB979548 (12-78))
FC AFC Air Express (AKC SA566263 (11-70))
FC Wanapum Sheba (AKC SA565263 8-70)
NFC NAFC 2xCNFC FC AFC Wanapum Darts Dandy (AKC SA827919 (11-85))
Wanapum Darts Puck Hyah Toot (AKC SA827508)
Paha Sapa Greta (AKC SA630216)
'78CNFC FC Wanapum Darts Garbo (AKC SA827506)
Stillwater Peggy (AKC SA711280 (01-72))
FC AFC Wanapum Lucky Yo Yo (AKC SA769753)
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate (AKC SC665593 (09-83))
Candlewoods Mercy Sakes (AKC SC827367)
Candlewoods Delta Dash (AKC SC665592 (10-81))
Candlewoods Moonlite Sonata (AKC SC665591)
AFC Candlewood's Cherokee Rebel (AKC SC655929.)
2 x NAFC FC River Oak's Rascal (AKC SA603599 (7-71))
River Oaks Ace (AKC SB272310)
Judans Hardcase Cork
FC AFC River Oaks Black Bingo (AKC SA886801)
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good (AKC SB460915 (08-76))
NFC FC AFC Euroclydon (AKC SB409765)
Cup A Soup (AKC SB480899)
FC AFC Fishtrap Aggie (AKC SE817697)
FC AFC Trumarc's Hot Pursuit (AKC SC990432 (11-81))
Vinwood's Sister (AKC SD027461)
FC AFC Risky Business Jem (AKC SC988209)
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho (AKC SB366285 (8-75))
FC AFC Raider's Torrid Lady (AKC SB409433)
Taurus Gypsy Jura (AKC SD534694)
Raider's Kansas Pscyclone (AKC SC200246)
NFC FC AFC Risky Business Ruby (AKC SB976130)
She Dis Mariah (AKC SD053006)
FC AFC Rip Snortin Good Times (AKC SC084052)
F C AFC Play the Red (AKC SC651876)
FC AFC Amazing Grace Of Ornbaun (AKC SC108230)
FC AFC Dick the Duck (AKC SD209637)
Camay Morning (AKC SC388141)
Trieven Dreamboat Anny (AKC SC133937.)
Bryant's Super Streak (AKC SD102184)
Black And Blue (AKC SC081876)
Bannerstone Four Feathers (AKC SC449946)
Pistol Packing Mama (AKC SC098476)
FC AFC Sunday Hawkeye (AKC SC433171)
Dr Davey PH.D (AKC SB976140)
FC AFC Ornbaun's Wet Willie (AKC SD116137)
Chaparral's Midnight Mist ***
AFC Salty Margarita II (AKC SD090966)
FC AFC Nakais Stemwinder (AKC SC940460)
Tory's Queen Bee *** (AKC SC994876)
FC Truckee's Water-Gator Sam (AKC SB412012)
FC AFC Truckee's Nitro Chief (AKC SB402724)
FC AFC Raider's Torrid Lady (AKC SB409433)
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho (AKC SB366285 (8-75))
Taurus Gypsy Jura (AKC SD534694)
Raider's Kansas Pscyclone (AKC SC200246)

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