K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Brooklands Yummy M and M

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Brooklands Yummy M and M
Brookland's Yummy M&M
Borador's Sea Otter
SE UCh Am/Can CH Puhs Superman
SE UCH NO UCH INT UCH Puhs Black Devil
Puhs Fate
Kamrats Kanel
Kamrats Kajsa
Kamrats Careena
Ch Kamrats Kakao
NO Ch. Keithray Marianne
Keithray Merietta
Sh. Ch. Keithray Marcus
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
GB ShCh/AmCh Sandylands Midas
Am. Ch. Sandylands Mona Lisa
Sandylands Memory
Roncott Bitty Girl
Kicia of Keithray
Kinsman of Keithray
GB ShCh/Ir Ch Kinky of Keithray
Kruska of Keithray
Grovetons Amy of Reedlane
AmCH Groveton's Lucky Lindy
AmCH Groveton's Copper Buck Shot
Grovetons Copper Penny
Grovetons Maid Guenevere
Why Cinnamon
AmCH Springfield Cheshire Cheese
AmCH Springfield's Miss Willing
Grovetons Valencia
Groveton's Koko Khalif
Grovetons Gossip
Groveton's Copper Vamp
Grovetons Vanilla
Am.Ch. Groveton's Kid Kolt
AmCH Carefree Of Keithray
Drakeshead Catrina of Keithray
Mallardhurn Countess of Keithray
Kandy of Keithray
Linershwood Crystal of Keithray
Sh Ch Sandylands Katrinka of Keithray
Contessa of Keithray
Grovetons Affable Andora

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