
Golden Retriever

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Raintree Flashpoint

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Raintree Flashpoint (AKC SF049638)
Sungold's Chief Sun's-A-Blaze (AKC SB836291 (5/1977))
Jr's Sungold Natasha *** WC (AKC SB754241 (2/1979))
Sungold Lad's Come On Cody *** (AKC SB758075 (2/1979))
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF (AKC SA032727 (1/69))
Judy Of Windemere (AKC SA357699 (6/68))
Sherrydan Tag * OS (AKC SA166523 (10-63))
Luke's Golden Misty (AKC SA134882 (1/1965))
Blaze Of Glenrol (AKC SA271349 (5/1966))
Sungold Shurefoot Shabby (AKC SB656655 (10/1975))
D. J. 'S Lady of Chief Sands (AKC SB332828)
Ozaukee Joe (AKC SB389626)
Stilrovin Apple Jack *** (AKC SA873122 (9/73))
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF (AKC SA438222 (2-69))
Schneiders Sloe Gin (AKC SA457603 (10/1972))
Kelly Jean of Chief Oshkosh (AKC SA588766 (4-71))
Ganga The Swift One *** (AKC SA604217 (12/71))
Sungold's Misty Morning (AKC SC463271)
Ginger's Molly Brown (AKC SC501634 (12-82))
Autumn's Freest Zephyr (AKC SC851914 (9/1982))
Golden Sunset Rusty (AKC SC711213 (2-80))
Miss Fanny (AKC SC670596 12-80)
Sungold's Chief Sun's-A-Blaze (AKC SB836291 (5/1977))
Jr's Sungold Natasha *** WC (AKC SB754241 (2/1979))
Sungold Lad's Come On Cody *** (AKC SB758075 (2/1979))
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF (AKC SA032727 (1/69))
Judy Of Windemere (AKC SA357699 (6/68))
Sungold Shurefoot Shabby (AKC SB656655 (10/1975))
D. J. 'S Lady of Chief Sands (AKC SB332828)
Ozaukee Joe (AKC SB389626)
Stilrovin Apple Jack *** (AKC SA873122 (9/73))
Maple Oak's Ginger (AKC SB517362 (10/77))
Teeny's Happy Tess (AKC SB505127 (11/1977))
El Cubre Chico (AKC SB539849 (2/1976))
Blaze Of Balsom (AKC SB664584 (11/1975))
Teenys Ericka E (AKC SB592286 (1-78))
O'Happy Day (AKC SA733178 (11/71))
Highland Carey (AKC SA623366 (2/70))
Wiota's Praire Flower (AKC SA685266 (4/1970))
Peter Pan's Teeny (AKC SB037769 (10/1974))
Sunshine's Way (AKC SB729170 12-75)
Peter Pan's Mr Tuffy (AKC SB052390 (10/75))
Peppermint Patti (AKC SB608744 09-75)

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