
Golden Retriever

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Hanny Araukarity Gold Rebecca

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Hanny Araukarity Gold Rebecca (HDD 2/2)
Gembaek's Knight of Music (0/0)
DKCH Tallygold Knight And Day (A2)
Isr. Ch. Tallygold My Guy (Unknown A1)
DCh.KLB Tallygold Glendronach (HD fri Norden (199?))
Tallygold More Brown Sugar Please
Tallygold One on One
Tallygold One More Smile
Tallygold Grand Slam
Tallygold Good Gracious Me (A2)
Tallygold Gentle On My Mind (FCI HD-A)
Friendship Classic Tattoo (A2)
Friendship Classic Fanfare (HD UA (2/28/1994))
NUCH Stenbury Sea Chieftain (HD A(14/06/1995))
Tallygold Blonde Is Beautiful (B1)
Tallygold Be A Chum
Goldsand's Sonnet Of Music
Cavall Copper (Sweden HD U (12/11/1986))
Cavall Cassandra
Cavall Charisma
Cavall Troika
Rachenco Wizard
Cavall Cooper
Goldsand's Symphony Of Music
LP Goldsand's Special Music
Joy Golden Araukarity (HDD 0/0)
Oklahoma Golden Araukarity (0/0)
Omaha Golden Araukarity (HDD 0/0)
Jackie Golden Araukarity (HDD 2/2)
Jessie Golden Araukarity (HDD 1/1)
ChPol,Cr,Cz High Endeavour's Active Royal Dutch (HD A1/A1)
High Endeavour's Active Double Duty
High Endeavour's Active Timothy
Dutch/Int./Belg./Dts. CH. Chevanne of High Endeavour (HD B1B2)
Chevanne Moonlight'N Roses At Croombrand (2:4)
Eng. SH. CH. Chevanne Sugar N' Spice
Int, Bel, Dts, Dutch Ch. Chevanne Mighty Endeavour (Unknown B1/B2 (198?))
Chevanne Free 'N Easy Of Lorinford (Unknown BVA Hip Score 8:6)
Styal Snow Bell
Styal Snowdriff
Swiss CH. Styal Snow Storm
Eng. Sh. Ch. Styal Snow Flake of Remington KCJW (BVA 25)
FAIRY Golden Araukarity (HD 0/0)
Ars Golden Araukarity
Aike Golden Araukarity
Ch CZ Alka Golden Araukarity
Arau Golden Araukarity
Mac Golden Araukarity
CH Miki Golden Araukarity
Miss Golden Araukarity
Mimi Golden Araukarity
Rowera Heksa
Halfi (son of Emir-Bor v. Bjorndal)
Hojka (JR GR 60063)

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