
Golden Retriever

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Amigold P-Thirty-Eight Lightning

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amigold P-Thirty-Eight Lightning (SN448679/04)
HR Amigold B-Seventeen Flying Fortress CD SH MX MXJ AAD NJC NAC WCX VCX OD (AKC SN448679/03 - 1/01)
Am. CH. Amigold On A Wing N A Prayer CD MH WCX *** VCX OS DDHF (AKC SN448679/01)
Amigold Yankee Clipper (SN448679/02)
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC (AKC SM83838303 (2/94))
Celestial Second Exposure CD SH WCX CanCD (AKC SM838383/08)
Celestial's Duke Ruaridh (AKC SM838383/01)
Celestial Southern Star (SM838383/02)
Celestial's Brodie Row (AKC SM838383/04)
Celestial Jake Dakota (AKC SM83838305)
Cellestial Mornington Harbor (SM838383/06)
Celestial Southern Cross (AKC SM838383/07)
Celestial's Grand Illusion (AKC SM838383/09)
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS (AKC SF207151)
Am. CH. Elysian Image Of Oakshadows CD TDX OD TDI (AKC SF-278157)
Elysian Rangefinder CD (AKC SF277328)
BIS CH. Elysian's Lil Leica Reprint UD TD MH WCX VCX DDHF SDHF OD BISS (AKC SF-221115)
Am. CH. Wingwatcher Reddi To Rally CDX WC OS (AKC SD-990317)
Am. CH Wingwatcher Calypso Music UDT WC VCX (SD-961055)
Am. CH Trowsnest Wingwatcher's Bess CD WC (AKC SD-960365)
Wingwatcher Crash Gordon CD, WC (AKC SD-990316)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Akacia O'Darnley UD TDX JH WCX VCX OD (AKC SE-163568)
Am. CH Beaulieu's Autumn Fantasy (AKC SE172926)
Prairie's Coming Comet CD MH WCX ** OD (AKC SE459989)
Prairie's Right On Command (AKC SE907008)
Buckshot's Prairie Peaches OD (AKC SE462328)
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS (AKC SD348348 (2-84))
Sunfire's Piece A Cake (AKC SD454291)
Sun Fire's Dynamo Duke (AKC SD353120)
Sun Fires Banner of Gold CD (AKC SD344981)
Sun Fire Danielle (AKC SD510268)
Sun Fire's Morning Mist II CD WC (AKC SD606042)
Sun Fire Sure Mark Tess Can. ***
Can OTCH Sunfire's Flaming Skye Am UD (AKC SD187886)
Prairie Thistle's Funky Fern *** WCX (AKC SD180414)
Prairie's Gulf Coast Cathryn (AKC SD700380)
U-UD Prairie Wildfire Am/Can UD WC (AKC SD336686 (12-85))
Prairie West Wind at Shiloh ** (AKC SD289658)
Mistfield's Prairie Fire CD *** (AKC SD291337)
Prairie's Texas Twister (AKC SD745973)
HRCH Amigold Singin' In The Rain UD SH WCX ** VCX (AKC SG026466)
Amigold Country Crooner SH WCX (AKC SG026422)
Amigold Woodwind Wonder MH (AKC SG026426)
Amigold Opus One SH WCX (AKC SG026428)
Amigold Rock N Roll Rusty
Topbrass Nugget of Bramcott JH WCX (AKC SE-626775)
HR Topbrass Against The Wind JH WC (AKC SE604436)
NAFC FC AFC Topbrass Cotton OS FDHF (AKC SC525135 (12/80))
Topbrass Sammamish Slew OD (AKC SC589823)
Topbrass Kinetic Kelly (AKC SB977915 (12-82))
OTCH Topbrass Ric O Shay Barty Can CD WCX OS OBHF (AKC SC000913 (11-81))
Topbrass Misdemeanor CD TD (AKC SC028552 (10/79))
Topbrass Blazen Baron ** (AKC SC683726)
Topbrass Markin Masterpiece *** (AKC SB979889)
Topbrass Sugar and Spice UD TDX (AKC SC685463)
Topbrass Custer ** (AKC SB981631)
Topbrass Patriot CDX TDX (AKC SC513919)
Topbrass Apple Of My Eye CD (AKC SC714840)
Topbrass Taco Belle (AKC SC933339)
Topbrass Malcairn's Zephyr UD ** WCX (AKC SC501375)
Topbrass War Cloud (AKC SC677490)
Topbrass Yogi Bear CD (AKC SC709172)
FC AFC Topbrass Mandy OD FDHF (AKC SC152486 (2/1979))
Topbrass Tahi Choki (AKC SC982096 (9/1982))
Topbrass Win Of Fox Creek WC (AKC SC491620 (6-81))
Topbrass Butter Up (AKC SC707359 (6/1981))
Topbrass Floating Kelp Bed ** (AKC SC682336)
Topbrass Entropy (AKC SD178458)
Topbrass KC Frontrunner (AKC SC687134)
Topbrass Katy (AKC SD312145 (6-82))
Golden Bell's Bramble Am/Can *** (AKC SD139278)
Gallo Gold Cool Cotton Khaki CD JH WC VC OD
Gallo Gold Classic Renegade WC (AKC SF092763)
Am CH Gallo Gold Sue-Ner's Comin Back (AKC SE431291)
Gallo Gold Lyric of Dawnhaven (AKC SF175130)
CanCH Dawnhaven's Gallo Gold Merlin (AKC SF034736)
Gallo Gold Top Gun CD WC (AKC SE963460)
CH Birnam Wood's Power Play CD JH WC (AKC SD736986)
Steeler's Gold Brandy Ann JH WC (AKC SD539847)
Steelers Gold Taffy Darlin (AKC SD585669 (7-87))

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