
Golden Retriever

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Castiewood Gold Charm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Castiewood Gold Charm (Other (V) 192559)
Castiewood Lady Kelly (V150084)
Aust Ch Kyvalley Kipling (Other N 265949)
Kyvalley Winchester
Kyvalley Kiami (Other N 265948)
Aust. CH Wildheart Wenan Aust. UD (ANKC N205061)
Wildheart Cedar (Other 193814)
Wildheart Copper
Wildheart Wegan
Wildheart Welkin (Other 105064)
Australian Ch Kyvalley Kyva (ANKC N30717)
Aust Ch Kyvalley Golden Pixie
Kyvalley True
Aust Ch Kyvalley Fairsky
Aust. CH Kyvalley Sweetcorn Aust. CDX (ANKC N77755)
Kyvalley Woodbine
Kyvalley Yasmin
Aust Ch Kyvalley Bobbie
AustCH Goldtreve Waterwisp UD
Kyvalley Kalina
Kyvalley Dominic
Australian CH Goldtreve Watersprite
Australian Ch Kyvalley Kyva (ANKC N30717)
Aust Ch Kyvalley Golden Pixie
Kyvalley True
Aust Ch Kyvalley Fairsky
Glennessa Waterwillow Of Stenbury
Glennessa Waterwingshot of Stenbury (Other KC Reg.)
Waterwich Of Stenbury
Waterdaemon of Stenbury
Waterwhich of Stenbury
Aust CH Danoi Tanith
Aust CH Danoi Kasia CD
Aust Ch Kyvalley Kipling (Other N 265949)
Kyvalley Winchester
Kyvalley Kiami (Other N 265948)
Aust. CH Wildheart Wenan Aust. UD (ANKC N205061)
Wildheart Cedar (Other 193814)
Wildheart Copper
Wildheart Wegan
Wildheart Welkin (Other 105064)
AustCH Goldtreve Waterwisp UD
Kyvalley Kalina
Kyvalley Dominic
Australian CH Goldtreve Watersprite
Guisachan Tiffany Gold
Guisachan Tammy Too (ANKC 159881)
Aust Ch Guisachan Tammy
Aust Ch Rowangold Randi CD TD (ANKC 94842)
Aust Ch Rowangold Macgregor
Aust Ch Rowangold Cindy
Kyvalley Tamara
Kyvalley Delightfull
Aust. CH Kyvalley Jason

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