
Golden Retriever

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Trowsnest Augustus Christmas AmCD

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Trowsnest Augustus Christmas AmCD
Can. Ch. Trowsnest Mariner Jack Tar JH (OFA GR50586G24M)
Trowsnest Victory Garden Am./Can. CD, JH (OFA GR-52281G29F)
Trowsnest Comet
Trowsnest White Cliffs O Dovr
Trowsnest Earl Grey
Trowsnest Field Of Gold
Trowsnest Blowin In The Wind (OFA GR-50704G24M)
Can CH Trowsnest Wnd B'Neath My Wings CDX SH ** (OFA GR-37571G24M)
Am./Can. CH. Trowsnest Whirlwind UD WC Can CDX WC Am./Can. OS (OFA GR-10327E27M)
Trowsnest Windjammer CDX
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS (OFA GR-1389E75M-T)
Am. CH. Valhalla Trowsnest Folly UD TD WCX (OFA GR-4049G24F)
Jamcroft's All That Jazz (OFA GR-29498F35F)
Hendreth Cassius CDX (OFA GR-24743G25M-T)
Hendreth Coleen Of Nortonwood (BVA Hip Score 3:4)
Hendreth Conchita of Purbarn (3:3)
Hendreth Collumbine (2:2)
Jamcroft Trowsnest Cagney (OFA GR-19416)
Can. CH Trowsnest English Garden Can.CD (OFA GR-43867G26F)
Darvell Oscar Zap
Gabrial Sgandurra
Darvell Golda King (OFA GR-43375G24F-T)
Can. CH Darvell Miska Bridgewater (OFA GR-43374G24F-T)
Can. CH Padedali Penge Am./Can. CDX (OFA GR-31517G24M)
Padedali Crackers (5:2)
Padedali Holly (4:4)
Padedali Santa (1:0)
Padedali Bella (4:5)
Padedali Gracie (4:2)
Padedali Pamie (3:4)
Amberland Sky-Hi (BVA Hip Score 4:4)
Purdy Of Padedali (Unknown BVA Hip Score 2:2)
Darvell Tella Henrietta (OFA GR-38451F57F-T)
Eng. SH. CH. Camrose Tulfes Intirol (BVA 9:8)
Camrose Tara
Apricot Bleu
Abricot Bleu

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