
Golden Retriever

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Windwhirl Caramel Chester

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Windwhirl Caramel Chester
Windwhirl Chocolate Cheyenne
Windwhirl Cappuccino Chelsea (12 years)
Windwhirl Coffee Charleen
Windwhirl Cinnamon Cheanie
Windwhirl Crisper Churchill
Windwhirl Cracker Chacko (11.5 years)
Int. CH. & FT. CH. Stanroph Standing Ovation
Stanroph Secret Finale
Stanroph Secret Promise
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader (12 years)
Stanroph Secret Fantasy of Pamgavin
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest (15 years)
Steval Encore
Can. CH. Steval Semitone (14 years)
Steval Shoe String
Steval Spinet Of Millwater
Amberland Sky-Hi (13.5 years)
Steval Latest Edition (12.5 years)
Steval Going For Gold
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW (11.5 years)
Stanroph Shades Of Time At Alibren
Stanroph Silent Hero
Stanroph Step to Stardom at Amirene
Int. Ch. F. Ch. Stanroph Star Of Chivas
Rossbourne Trooper
Rossbourne Truffle
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW (12.5 years)
Drombeg By Sungleam (12.5 years)
Drombeg by Sunshine
Drombeg by Sunset (11 years)
Drombeg By Summerbreeze
Drombeg By Sunlight
Drombeg By Starlight
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary (13 years)
Gunmarsh Caspar At Scarisbrick
Gunmarsh Zerina At Keichelle
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood (11.5 years)
Perrimay Harriet
Gunmarsh Sophia JW
Gunmarsh Willow At Westkash
Gunmarsh Wisper Of Bellagold
Gunmarsh Sebastian JW
Opale d'Aurumcaelum (5 years)
Petrus D?Aurumcaelum
Olympus D'Aurumcaelum (13.5 years)
Osborne D'Aurumcaelum
Tola Bar
Styal Sky Lark
Styal Sky Master (9.5 years)
Styal Sky's The Limit
Styal Sheer Satin Of Hollygold
Styal Sheer Silk Of Argosland (13.5 years)
Styal Sheer Spirit To Fernavy
Styal Sheer Sensation
NORDV-95 NUCH Styal Sheer Scandal

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