
Golden Retriever

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Britain's Finest Sydney Girl

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Britain's Finest Sydney Girl
Britians' Finest Champagne (OFA GR-64125G36F-T)
Britain's Finest Bailey's Crem
Britain's Finest Dallis
Britain's Finest Sadie
Can CH Haydene Commador OS (OFA GR-49692G24M-T)
Haydene Carnival (OFA GR-49759E24F-T)
Haydene Carousel JW (BVA Hip Score 6:18)
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien (BVA Hip Score 4:3)
Paudell Easter Pepsi
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Sansue Cassiopia Of Zillmar
Sansue Cha-Cha
Sansue Chanter
Sansue Charlotte Of Maundale
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell (BVA Hip Score 9:8)
Kerrien Cantata (3:4)
Kerrien Cotton Candy Of Vinecroft
Kerrien Buccaneer (Unknown BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Rossbourne Secret Love of Haydene JW (20:21)
Rossbourne Sabre
Rossbourne Silvery Sea (Hip Score 4 :8)
Rossbourne Spring Love (Unknown 7:9)
Rossbourne Sunset Love of Monzak
Rossbourne Sunset Star of Orpine
Swiss CH. Rossbourne Serene Vimy
Amberland Black Sabre (BVA Hip Score 6:7)
Eng. SH. CH. Rossbourne In Love (BVA Hip Score 5:4)
Rossbourne I'm Lovely
Remington Rainfall (12968-HD-A)
Remington Rocket (BVA Hip Score 5:7)
Remington Rain Dance
Remington Ripple (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Remington Rainbows End (OFA GR-36020G28F-T)
Remington Rain Drop
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Crusader (BVA 8:8)
NORDUCH INTUCH Mjaerumhogda's Classic Sound (A2)
Fin. CH. Noravon Cornelius (UA (198?))
Noravon Carina of Nortonwood
Noravon Daniel
Noravon Charissa Of Twilly
Noravon Clarinda Of Dykesdale
Nord. Ch. Gitles Natascha (HD A Free Norden (1976))
Gitles Noran
Eng. Sh. Ch. Styal Snow Flake of Remington KCJW (BVA 25)
Styal Snowdriff
Swiss CH. Styal Snow Storm
Styal Snow Bell
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler (Unknown BVA Hip Score 3:6)
Sansue Philanderer (A1)
Eng. SH. Ch. Sansue Phoebe (BVA BVA Hip Score 1:2)
SUCH NUCH INTUCH Sansue Golden Arrow (Sweden HD U (198?))
Sansue Golden Gloria Of Sandusky JW (Unknown BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Eng. CH. Sansue Pepper Of Lovehayne SGWC (BVA Hip Score 4:7)
Sansue Golden Showers (OK)
Styal Scottila
Styal Scotch Bluebell
Styal Scotch Bonnet Of Squirrelsmead
Styal Scotsman Of Fernavy
Styal Scottische Of Fadius
Styal Scotch Thistle
Styal Scotchmist
Styal Scotts Son of Ramgold Aust CD (AVA 5:7)
Styal Scotch Whisky (Unknown BVA Hip Score 5:7)

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