
Golden Retriever

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Dusty Rocky Rhodes

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dusty Rocky Rhodes (AKC SD475337 (12-83))
Beau's Prince Charming (AKC SD148920 (2-82))
Classy Golden Nugget (AKC SC748138 (12-82))
Welker's Golden Girl (AKC SE434833)
B J's Mountain Jack (AKC SE622782)
Am OTCH Starburst Sundance Can CD (AKC SC952975)
El Dorado VII (AKC SC470163 (11/79))
Beau's Sundance Dutch-Boy (AKC SC741572 (4-80))
Sundance of Golden Acres (AKC SC444394 (1-80))
Bacon's Golden B J (AKC SB586852 (7/77))
Golden Dome Prince
Rusty Visco's Queen (AKC SC087467 (11/77))
Bunny's Brutus (AKC SD022164 (12-82))
Rhiannon V (AKC SC481053 (4/1979))
Reina De Oro (AKC SC465158 (11/79))
Foolsgold's Folley (AKC SC449389)
Foolsgold's Fancey Prancer (AKC SC545456 (1-80))
Sir Golden Rocky III (AKC SC169279 (6/78))
Jenniffer Golden Treasure (AKC SC341636 (9/1978))
Bacon's Golden B J (AKC SB586852 (7/77))
Golden Dome Prince
Fancey Fools Gold (AKC SC000088 (7/77))
Brandi-Wine Hollenbeck (AKC SB963292 (2-77))
Forever Amber XXII (AKC SB825225 (8-79))
Beau's Dixie Gin Gin (AKC SC622486 (11-79))
Ray Of Shannon's Delight Lou (AKC SC582239 (8-79))
Life Of Reilly (AKC SC772343 (5/1981))
Sarasota Sha Na Rays Nokomis (AKC SC622897 (1-80))
Yukon Jack IV (AKC SC358748 (9/1978))
Chivas Regal XIX (AKC SC028974)
Andrew's Caleb (AKC SC664129 (10/1980))
Bitogold Charade's Jonboy (AKC SB731384 (4/1976))
Bit O Gold Tasha Thembalisha (AKC SB661468 (4/1976))
Amber Dutchess CD (AKC SB628720 (5/1976))
Shannon Golden Ray (AKC SB775292 (9/78))
Sky II (AKC SB812611 09-80)
Sir Master Lad CD (AKC SB142240 (4-75))
Countrylad Duke (AKC SB232119 (1/75))
Maximilian III (AKC SB176681 (3/78))
Honeybee V (AKC SB205868 (5/1975))
Eason's Golden Early Riser (AKC SB075758 (9/1973))

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