
Golden Retriever

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Fantango Fame N Fortune

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fantango Fame N Fortune
MBISS Aust. Ch. Fantango Centre Stage (Other 2100164615)
Aust CH Fantango First Knight (Other 2100164612)
BISS Aust CH Dobro Samurai Guy (Other 2100119331)
Dobro Geisha Girl (Other 2100119328)
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW (Other KCSB 0503CH)
Stanroph September Song Of Gleethorne (Other KC Reg. U3568703U03)
Stanroph Simply Heaven Of Souliena (Other KC Reg. U3568701U03)
Stanroph Simply Stunning of Pacimini (Other KC Reg. U3568702U03)
Eng. SH. Ch. Amirene Pacifique (UKC KCSB 3509CD)
Amirene Partisan (Other KC Reg. R3436206R03)
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW (Other KCSB 1930BZ)
Stanroph Shades Of Time At Alibren (Other KCSB 3204CF)
Stanroph Silent Hero (Other KC Reg. N5664105N04)
Stanroph Step to Stardom at Amirene (Other KC Reg. N5664103N04)
Int. Ch. F. Ch. Stanroph Star Of Chivas
Australian Champion Jonesh Emily Bronte
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC (Other KC Reg. R2490903R02)
Ritzilyn Bowstreet Runner (Other S55315/91)
Ritzilyn Cockney Rebel (Other KC Reg. R2490903R02)
Ritzilyn Mayfair (Other KC Reg. R2490909R03)
Ritzilyn Dorchester Dickie At Branjoy (Other KCSB 1765CE)
Australian CH Jonesh Xposay (ANKC 1335387)
Fantango Come What May (Other 2100121066)
Fantango Fields O Gold (Other 2100121067)
Avonbreeze Heedless (A.I.) (Other ANKC 3100021622)
Aust. Ch. Avonbreeze Prudent (AI) (3100021627)
Avonbreeze Wayward
Avonbreeze Reckless (Other Aust.KC 3100021623)
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien (Other KCSB 3589BZ)
Paudell Easter Pepsi (Other KC Reg. M3970406M03)
Aust Ch Tasvane Spring Morning (Other 1471918)
MBISS Aust Ch Fantango In Poppy Fields
Aust. CH. Fantango Vintage Crop
Aust CH Fantango Chasing Dreams (Other 1556462)
Tasvane Indiana (UKC T0551502)
Tasvane Charlie's Son of Rossbourne
Tasvane Tintalora of Goldpeke
Tasvane Inspiration (S27147/93)
WW''98, SU(U)CH NUCH Tasvane Torrita (Other Swed. S27148/93)
BISS Aust Ch Fantango Field Of Dreams (ANKC N 1326240)

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