
Golden Retriever

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Leaves Russell

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Leaves Russell
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Xanthos Brown Sugar (BVA Score 0:0)
Xanthos Purple Patch (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Xanthos Captain Scarlett
Xanthos Lady In Red
Xanthos Lemon Grass Among Stanroph
Rainscourt Son Of A Gun
Rainscourt Calamity Jane At Earngrove
Rainscourt Cascade
Rainscourt Celebrity At Lornabbel (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Rainscourt Quest For Love
Rainscourt Sensation
Rainscourt Cameo
Rainscourt Pipe Major of Rossbourne
Rainscourt Vanilla Ice
Rainscourt Vanity Fair
Rainscourt Cabin Boy
Rainscourt Quest For Fame At Islavale
Eng.Sh.Ch Rainscourt Fall Guy JW
Rainscourt Free Spirit
Rainscourt Fun And Frolic
Rainscourt Ice Maiden
Rainscourt Ice Magic
Xanthos Orange Blossom (1 CC, 1RCC) (BVA Elbow Score 0:0)
Xanthos Code Red
Xanthos Yellow Ribbon
Xanthos Cape Yellow
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC
Ritzilyn Bowstreet Runner
Ritzilyn Cockney Rebel
Ritzilyn Mayfair
Ritzilyn Dorchester Dickie At Branjoy
Xanthos Out Of The Blue
Lorinford Powder Puff
UK SH. CH. Royal Crest Gold-N Seven Up at Lorinford
It. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Vulpecola
It. Ch. / Ch.Rip Royal Crest Gold-N Seveneleven
Vice-WW'01 Royal Crest Gold-n Seven Bar Seven with Lorinford
It. Sh. Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Lynx
Ch.Rip. Royal Crest Gold-N Seven Hills
royal crest gold-n pegasus
Pl. Ch. Royal Crest USA Direct (0:0)
Int Ch, Italian Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Ballistic Gza-Gza
CHIB CHTF Sonic Boom Royal Crest
Silent Speed of Sound
Golden Channel of Funnyline
It.Soc.Ch. Rachenco Strings Of Pearls
Rachenco April Pearl of Invergoil
Rachenco April Princess
Rachenco April Gold At Tatefield
Rachenco April Star
Lorinford Aphrodite
Lorinford Madonna
Lorinford Robocop
Lorinford Diamanda with Hydanthe
Lorinford Melissa
Int Ch Lorinford Gilt Edged
Lorinford Goldilocks
Lorinford Holly Hobble
Lorinford Halfpenny At Hydanthe
Lorinford Leona
WW-00 EuW-00 FinW-99 ITW-00 PLW-00 C.I.B. Fi Ch Lorinford Harlequin Top Winning Golden 1999&2000 in Finland (0:0 (10/27/1993))

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