
Golden Retriever

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Honey Eve's Quality

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Honey Eve's Quality (Other S61485/2006)
Honey Eve's Quibble (LOI06/3325)
Deeside's Man with a Mission (S47403/2003)
Deeside's Miss Moneypenny
NO UCH Trewater Sweet William (FCI 15445/97)
Trewater Sadie
Vet CH Trewater Scorcha (Other W5267701W04)
Trewater Saffie (Other FIN18284/97)
Trewater Trick 'O The Light SGWC (Other KC Reg. V1812205V02)
?. CH. Trewater Trelula (Other GRET / 1416)
Trewater Trelara
Trewater Trickshot Of Regensian
Trewater Trailblazer
Eng. Sh. Ch. Sandusky Khamsin At Trewater (Other SCSB2632CE)
Sandusky Jubilee (Other KC Reg. P6147105P04)
Sandusky Junoeque (Other KC Reg. P6147104P04)
Sandusky Josee To Lovehayne (Other KCSB 2058CD)
Sandusky Kamikaze (Other KC Reg. R0889710R01)
Aust Ch Sandusky Klammer Aust CDX (Other S56660/91)
Sandusky Kronberger (Other KCSB 0575CG)
Sandusky Kiss And Tell (FCI S17999/92)
Sandusky Kaleidoscope Of Sandgold (Other KC Reg. R0889702R01)
Amirene Yonder Star
Germ.,Belgian, Lux.Jr.Ch. Amirene Young Romance (Other LOL 21733)
Amirene Young Commander (AKC SN93492601 (11/03))
Amirene Young Peony At Carstoke (Other KC Reg. V5279203V04)
Amirene Young Sailor At Mitchnel (Other KC Reg. V5279208V04)
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW (KC SB 3359CD)
SUCH Stanroph Sincerely Yours (Other KC Reg. Q3856503Q03)
Stanroph Sailor Man (Other KC Reg. Q3856505Q03)
Stanroph Sally Ann for Ritzilyn (Other KCSB 2140CD)
Stanroph Social Climber (Other KC Reg. Q3856502Q03)
Amirene Quietly Confident (Other KCSB 0380CF)
CH PORT Amirene Quixote (Other LOP104130)
Amirene Queen Bee
Amirene Queen of Scots At Glorfindel (Other KCSB 1132CF)
Amirene Uptown Girl Of Avonbrook (Other KC Reg. T2760902T02)
Amirene Quentin Cardinal (Other SwedKC # S43584/92)
Can OTCH Amirene Miranda At Rye (CKC 1045833)
Can. CH. Amirene Unique (CKC 1050509)
Honey Eve's Iris (Other LOI02/137939)
Honey Eve's Ivy (Other L.O.I. 02/137938)
Honey Queen's Figaro (Other S51722/98)
Friendship Classic Fanfare (Other S17844/93)
NUCH Stenbury Sea Chieftain (Other S39959/94)
Friendship Classic Tattoo (Other DK28119/93)
Honey Queen's Froken Frojd
It Ch. Honey Queen's Happy Days (Other S54597/95)
Honey Queen's Handfull of Gold
Birdcherry's Reward (Other SwedKC # S62083/87)
Birdcherry's Raindrop (Other S62084/87)
Glendale Emerald Queen
Glendale Endless Story (Other S19471/91)

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