
Golden Retriever

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Birnam Wood's Kreon Hollywood

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Birnam Wood's Kreon Hollywood
Birnam Wood's Oshkosh By 'Gosh
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Douglas Furr OS
Birnam Wood's Liquid Amber
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
Am. CH Birnam Wood Keweenaw Sequoia
Birnam Wood Buckthorn Banner
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF
Am. CH. Kachina's Kamiakin O'Darnley CD WC OS SDHF
Am-Can Ch. Kachina's Kiros Karma CD OD Can CD
Kachina Dorado El Chacho
Am. CH Kachina's Livin' End OD
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF
Am. Mex. Ch. Combo Gold Rush Of-Golden Pine CDX WCX
Am CH Golden Pine Angel's Seraphim
Am CH Gold-Rush Chance For Mirkwood
Am CH Gold-Rush Prospector
Can CH Gold-Rush Meryl-T-Valentine CanCD OS SDHF
Gold-Rush Charlie's Chance
Gold-Rush Buccaneer
Am CH Russo's Gold-Rush Willow
Gold-Rush Sunset Shadow
Binger's Gold-Rush Rock
Gold-Rush Buckskin Joe
Am CH Gold-Rush's Gold Dust Barney
Am./Can. CH. Southern's Gold-Rush Traveler OS SDHF
Gold Rush Palomino Pony UD WC
Am. Can. CH Krishna's E Z Livin' OD
Krishna's EZ Flowin' Honey CDX
Krishna's E Z Captain Holly
Krishna's Klassic Jasmine
Krishna's Klassic Moonlight
Krishna Klassic Masterpiece
Am. CH Krishna's Dreamin' E Z O'Marglen CD
Am. CH Krishna Klassic Melody Of HGL
Am. CH Krishna's Ez Street CD
Am. CH Krishna's E Z Goin CD OS SDHF
Am. CH Krishna's E-Z Lovin' Kachina UD
Am. CH Krishna's Klassic Fantasy
Am. CH Krishna's Klassic Endeavor CDX
Krishna's E Z Taffy
Am/Can CH Krishna's Klassic Kachina OS SDHF
Am CH Krishna's Klassic Texas Pride CD
Krishna Klassic Bonanza Duce
Am. CH. Krishna's E Z Duz Zit CD
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD
Am. CH Gilnockie Roman Candle
Am Ch Goldenloe's Fourth of July
Gilnockie Sparkler CD
Am. CH. Autumn Lodge's Mister Zap CD ** OS
Autumn Lodge's Magill
Am.CH. Sir Duncan Of Woodbury OS
Saint Moishe Pride Of Tabhill
Autumnlodge's Apple
Am Ch Gilnockie Vixen of Goldenloe CD OD
Am. CH Gilnockie Cupid Of Goldenloe CDX, TD *
Gilnockie Comet Of Goldenloe
Birnam Wood's Looking Glass
Birnam Wood's Derspinna Zapf
Birnam Wood's Bookman Swash
Am. CH. Goldrush's Judgement Day OS
Goldrush's Jacks Or Better CD
Goldrush's Jodi Of Okashan
Goldrush's Joy of Oak Shadows UD OD
Ch Sun Dance's Happy Hogan
Am. CH Sun Dance's Ringo CDX
Am CH Sun Dance's Rarue SDHF OS
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Kemosabe CDX
Sun Dances Lady Guinevere
Sun Dance's Rippling Rhythm
Am CH Sun Dances Frontier Marya
Goldrush's Desert Song
Driftwood's Goldrush Grubstake
Am. CH. Westmont Goldrush Dynamite CD
Am CH Shamonoff Goldrush's Dusty UD WCX
AM CH Mystery's First Solution CD, OD
Am CH Mystery's First Mr Grizzly
Krishna Klassic Bonanza Duce
Krishna's EZ Flowin' Honey CDX
Krishna's E Z Captain Holly
Krishna's Klassic Jasmine
Krishna's Klassic Moonlight
Krishna Klassic Masterpiece
Am. CH Krishna's Dreamin' E Z O'Marglen CD
Am. CH Krishna Klassic Melody Of HGL
Am. CH Krishna's Ez Street CD
Am. CH Krishna's E Z Goin CD OS SDHF
Am. CH Krishna's E-Z Lovin' Kachina UD
Am. CH Krishna's Klassic Fantasy
Am. CH Krishna's Klassic Endeavor CDX
Krishna's E Z Taffy
Am. Can. CH Krishna's E Z Livin' OD
Am/Can CH Krishna's Klassic Kachina OS SDHF
Am CH Krishna's Klassic Texas Pride CD
Am. CH. Krishna's E Z Duz Zit CD
Am. CH. High Seas Agatha Christie CD WC OD
Am. CH. High Sea's Antique Copper

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