
Golden Retriever

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Crangold Beyond Paradise

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Crangold Beyond Paradise
Am. CH. Kalm Sea's Cream Of The Crop CD RA WC VC OS SDHF CGC
Kalm Sea's Somerset Cider
Am./Can. CH. Summit's Truck'n Eldorado CD OS, Multi BVISS
Ch. Summits Poetry In Motion UD TDX JH AX AXJ OD
Summit's Indiana Jones
BIS BISS Ch Summits Carrera Dom Perignon SDHF OD
CH Summits Diamond In The Ruff
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF
Am/Can CH Golden Pine Tres Cherrybrook CD JH WC OD
Cherrybrook's Buffalo Bill
Cherrybrook's Bonny Belle
Cherrybrook's Abbey Road
Cherrybrook Lauren's Bogart
Cherrybrook's Abou Ben Adhems
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF
Edgecombe Kalmsea On th' Move
Am. CH. Goldentown Lovjoy Lets'b Frank OS SDHF
Can CH Goldentown Sweet Samantha
Can CH Goldenpearl Ri Max
Can CH Goldentown Ashley Illusion
Can CH Goldentown James Dean
Edgecombe's The Good Earth
Edgecombe Bayberry Good News
Am. Ch. Tangleloft Absolute Divine
Tangleloft Absolute Epiphany OD
Tangleloft Absolut Talk
Am. CH. Tangleloft Absolute Magic
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS
Sg's My Sunny Day
Sg's Hold Me Closer
Sg's Anybody's Choice
Sg's Ready To Play
Sg's Yours And Yours Alone
BIS BISS AM-CAN-JAP CH Edgehill Nautilus Calypso Jo WC OS SDHF
CH Edgehill Nautilus Class Act CD
Am-Bda.CH Edgehill Nautilus Abientot
Edgehill Nautilus Crystal
Edgehill Nautilus Fast Track
Edgehill Nautilus Maxmilian
Am. Ch. Edgehill Nautilus Mz Behavin OD
Edgehill Nautilus Ti-Amo
Am/Can Ch. Nautilus Edgehill Crown Onyx OS
Am/Can Ch Edgehill Nautilus Sea Sprite
Lovejoy's She Can CanCan
Lovejoy's Mr Bojangles
Lovejoy's Locomotion
Am. CH Lovejoy's Cha-Cha-Cha
Lovejoy's Irish Jig
Can CH Lovejoy Goldntwn Lets Boogie
Am. Ch. Tangleloft Whistling Swan CD CGC OD
Am. CH. Tangleloft Highlights Whim CD, CGC
Am. CH Tangleloft Final Conclusion CD
Am. CH Twin-Beau-D Hillock's Sydney OD
Twin-Beau-D Tangleloft VIP
Tangleloft Will Power
Twin Beau D Tangleloft Gem CD
Tangleloft Hillock's Melborne
Tangleloft Final Folly
Ch. Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Diamond OS
Am./Can. CH. Nautilus Magic Diamond CD JH WC VC CGC
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds R Forever
Am. CH Nautilus Diamond Back Zack CD
Am. CH Nautilus Blue Diamond
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF
AmCH Nautilus Diamond Schooner
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds N Rust
Tangleloft Feathered Quill OD

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