
Golden Retriever

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Mitchell's Cammy Kay Kay

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Mitchell's Cammy Kay Kay (AKC SN60201301)
Mitchell's Golden Statue Of (AKC SR05420610)
Mitchell's Sir Gordon (AKC SN059542/07)
Rug-ged Bugarug O' Honeycreek MH WCX (AKC SN11901901)
SR Rug-ged Hell Bound CD JH WC (AKC SN257827/09)
Honeycreeks Moon Over Miami Can CD UKC CDX WC CDX (AKC SN059542/01)
AFC Honeycreek's Jammin' Jaco MH OS (AKC SN11901902 (1-99))
Quartermoon Bearrug MH WCX ** (AKC SE575399)
Quartermoon Full Of Dickens JH (AKC SE619602)
Quartermoon I Am Ruffian
Bar Nones Rodeo Rose CDX (AKC SE614129)
Rebel Of Tangelo Sidekick (AKC SE954528)
HR Quartermoon's Killian Beer MH WCX (AKC SE631269 (1/89))
Quartermoon Fancy Free SH WCX (AKC SE554419)
Quartermoon's Nighthawk MH WCX (AKC SE576808)
FC AFC Tangelo's Side Kick OS FDHF (AKC SD180984 (7/84))
Quartermoon's Lucky Starwood WCX OD (AKC SD552500)
Poppygold-Quartermoon Omen UD TDX JH (AKC SD062567)
Quartermoon's Magnum Force WC *** (AKC SD273662)
Poppygold Talisman WC (AKC SD418492)
Quartermoon Rage'N Cajun CD WCX (AKC SD385747)
Buckshot's Brassy Honey (AKC SM722143/01)
Buckshot's Bertha The Blues MH *** (AKC SF830092)
Bayley's Buckshot (AKC SF728982)
Buckshot's Scooter Shooter MH WCX (AKC SF765667)
Buckshot's Buffalo Bill Cody MH WCX (AKC SF733051)
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS (AKC SD348348 (2-84))
Sunfire's Piece A Cake (AKC SD454291)
Sun Fire's Dynamo Duke (AKC SD353120)
Sun Fires Banner of Gold CD (AKC SD344981)
Sun Fire Danielle (AKC SD510268)
Sun Fire's Morning Mist II CD WC (AKC SD606042)
Sun Fire Sure Mark Tess Can. ***
Can OTCH Sunfire's Flaming Skye Am UD (AKC SD187886)
Buckshot's Prairie Peaches OD (AKC SE462328)
Prairie's Right On Command (AKC SE907008)
Prairie's Coming Comet CD MH WCX ** OD (AKC SE459989)
Mitchell's Golden Eau Claire (AKC SN389827/03)
Mitchell's Magnificent Molly (AKC SN38982704)
Comic Duke of Far and Away Farms (AKC SN38982702)
Randall Mason of Basswood (AKC SN38982705)
Goldie Mason Paquette (AKC SF179710)
Mason Nichols Paquette (AKC SE139049)
Britt Lovewell Of Marshalton (AKC SE716598)
Jasper Noel Of Cals Memory (AKC SF108913 (1/90))
Peaches And Cream XXXI (AKC SE640372)
Collana D'Oro of Kate CD (AKC SG031156)
Wagtails Gun Captain (AKC SM81096201)
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS (AKC SC917586 (8-82))
Angelic Honey Bear of Marina CD (AKC SC794835)
Shoreland's Beau (AKC SC794470)
Shorelands Brandy Wine (AKC SC918614)
A Penny For Your Thoughts CD (AKC SF189082)

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