
Golden Retriever

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Rocker Mistletoe's Holly CDX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rocker Mistletoe's Holly CDX (AKC SN13207304)
Hillside Fireworks Explosion CD TD (AKC SM89003011 (6-93))
Hillside's Firecracker CD TD (AKC SM89003001)
Hillside KSDS EM-Eighty CD (AKC SM89003004)
Hillside's Bing Bang Boom CD (AKC SM890030/10)
Hillside's Sky Rocket CDX (AKC SM89003005)
Hillside's Cherry Bomb (AKC SM89003006)
Hillside's Sparkler (AKC SM890030/02)
Hillside's Golden Flare (AKC SM89003009)
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF (AKC SE770248 (12/88))
Laurell's With A Hearty Cheer (AKC SE-966971)
Laurell's With Ablaze Of Glory (AKC SF-035314)
Laurell's With Oliver's Song (AKC SE-950580)
Laurells With Flying Colors (AKC SE-974457)
Laurell's Celebration Heart (AKC SF-044171)
Am. Ch. Laurell's Three Cheers (AKC SE733255)
Am. Ch. Laurell's With A Victory Yell (AKC SE966969)
Laurell With Banners Waving UD AX (AKC SE952273)
Laurell's Rave Review (AKC SE-770246)
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS (AKC SD317027 (4-83))
Freedom's Cream O' The Crop UD (AKC SD-246265)
Am. CH Freedom's Cimaron Sage (AKC SD-382610)
Freedom's Coriolanus (AKC SD325328)
AmCH Freedom's Celebrity Cowboy (AKC SD349246 (9-85))
Am. CH. Laurell's Scarlett O'Beara OD SDHF (AKC SD317831 (8/1984))
Laurell's Hobson Flying Bear (AKC SD-574435)
Laurell's Amiable Bear (AKC SD-284067)
Laurell's Yats-A-Bear Of JJ (AKC SD-077932)
Laurell's Amelia Bearhart CD (AKC SD257807 (7-83))
Laurell's Bad News Bear (AKC SD-125427)
Meadowpond Betango CDX (AKC SF545653)
U-CDX Meadowpond's Nip And Tucker CDX CGC Delta Society Pet Partner (AKC SF-550798)
U-CD Meadowpond Classic Casey CD (AKC SF-528420)
Meaowpond's TNT's Toby CD (AKC SF531613)
Meadowpond VIII (SF-834161)
Can. CH. OTCH. Camrose Betimmy Am. UD, Am./Can. OS (AKC SE582312 (2-87))
Camrose Youtina
Camrose Yatasmin CD
Meadowpond Tango Dancer OD (AKC SD549958)
Karagold Korry CDX (AKC SC-584138)
Karagold's Bourbon Blaze Am/Can CD (AKC SC654035)
Am CH Meadowpond Maggie Magee UDT (AKC SC590014)
Maggi's Mistletoe (AKC SM93698101)
K T's Mystic (AKC SM93698106 (8-94))
Tommy's Harry Husker (AKC SM93698103)
Hillside's Magnum P I (AKC SF902021 (6-92))
Hillside's Nancy Drew CD (AKC SF902020)
Hillside's B L Stryker CDX (AKC SM773183/01)
Hillside's Jessica Fletcher CDX TD (AKC SF902520 (9-92))
Jenlyn's Point to Point (AKC SF-413864)
Jenlyn's Hark Halloa (AKC SF-210768)
Am CH Jenlyn Gosling'sthe Hunt Is On (AKC SF235633)
Hillside's Irish Saint CD (AKC SE523866 (3-90))
Hillside's Irish Rose (AKC SE523865)
Hillside Irish Sundance Kid (AKC SE523867 (8/87))
Hillside Irish Sophis
Hillside's Irish Love
HIllside Luck O' The Irish
Hillside Halleys Tracer (AKC SE524258 (4-87))
Hillside Irish Valentine (AKC SE523870)
Hillside's Irish Homebrew CDX (AKC SE523868)
Golden Web Mischievous Maggi CD (AKC SE826981 (8-90))
Hillside's Shoestring Tackle CD (AKC SE299787)
Hillside's Action Pass CD (AKC SE298767)
Hillside's Flag Pattern (AKC SE298768 (3-87))
Hillside's Shome Live Ball CDX (AKC SE298770)
Golden Web's Ms Mischievous (AKC SD545437)
Golden Web Hearth Cricket (AKC SD716366)
Golden Web's Trozachdol CD (AKC SD530609)

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