
Golden Retriever

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Cloverdale Bunker Hill Rolf

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Cloverdale Bunker Hill Rolf
Cloverdale Obsession
Am. CH Cloverdale September Song
Am. CH Cloverdale Ivy League
Am. CH Cloverdale Sky High
Cloverdale Victoria's Secret
Cloverdale's Irish Cream
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF
Am./Can. CH. Asterlings Ghostbuster
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS
Am CH Asterlings Stardust Buster OD
Am CH Asterling's Just Buster Loose CD OD
Am. CH Asterling's Trust Buster CD
Am. CH Asterlings Filly Buster
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
Birnam Wood's Liquid Amber
Am Ch. Birnam Wood's Douglas Furr OS
Am. CH Birnam Wood Keweenaw Sequoia
Birnam Wood Buckthorn Banner
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF
Am. CH. Kachina's Kamiakin O'Darnley CD WC OS SDHF
Am-Can Ch. Kachina's Kiros Karma CD OD Can CD
Kachina Dorado El Chacho
Am. CH Kachina's Livin' End OD
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD
Am. CH Gilnockie Roman Candle
Am Ch Goldenloe's Fourth of July
Gilnockie Sparkler CD
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF
Amberac's Solidago Jake CDX TD
Amberac Charles Golden Amber UD
Amberac Cody Of Willow Acres
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF
Gold Coast's Golden Sandstorm CD
Gold Coast's Morning Mist
Sunhaven's Amberac's Aruba OD
Cloverdale Angelica OD
CH Cloverdale Sunrise Ventura
Am Can Ch Cloverdale Oliver Twist OS
Cloverdale Sukawaka Kered
Am./Can. CH Cloverdale Sugarfrost
Am./Can. CH Cloverdale Sunnybrae Pumpkin
Am/CanCH Cloverdale Highlands Cara CD JH WCX VC Can CD WC
Am Can Ch. Cloverdale Captivator
Am. CH. Cloverdale High Hopes Spirit CD
CH Cloverdale's Jackfrost CD
Cloverdale Say Say Say
Am./Can. CH. Cloverdale Frostkist
Am/Can CH October Cloverdale Frost CD OS
Am. CH. October's Courtney Kane
Am. CH. October's One And Only Sun
October Hi-Jinx's Amiable Amy UDT
Am CH October Calvo Wild'n' Crazy Gal CD
Am./Can./Bda. CH. October's Foxy Lady Am./Can. CDX
October's Bargello Diamond
Am-Can CH October's Cal-Vo Spirit CDX WC OD
Am/Can CH Sutter Creek Cloverdale Erin OD
Sutter Creek Cricket
Sutter Creek Scobie's Buffy
Cloverdale Sabrina OD
Am CH Cloverdale Tera of Tamarron OD
Misty Morn's Cloverdale Geno
Am Can Ch Cloverdale Bunker Hill Seth OS
Bunker Hill Jesse James
Bunker Hill Aldebaran
Am. CH Cloverdale's Sweet Sadie OD
Am. CH Cloverdales Bright Promise CD
Am. CH Cloverdale's Ringold Tobey SDHF
Cloverdale's Goldmark Gypsy

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