
Golden Retriever

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Jov Ch Chi Ch Chi Donka de Lurra Maitea

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jov Ch Chi Ch Chi Donka de Lurra Maitea
Dulcinea de Lurra Maitea
Ch Chi Gr Ch CHI Rockefeller Boss I am BumBum
Rockefeller Cindy Bum Bum
Br.Ar.Ch Kandiland BumBum Rockefeller
AM. CH. Kandiland's Rite It Down
Kandiland Quincyridge Baylee (11.5 years)
Can. CH. Kandilands Turn The Other Cheek
Am./Can. CH. Kandiland's Major Point
Ch Kandiland's All Points Bulletin OD (15 years)
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's Turn At Forest Creek (9.5 years)
Kandiland Turn Me Loose
Kandiland Point Theway To Gracre
Am/Can CH. Kandiland's All the Rite Stuf OD
Am. CH. Kandilands Yall Rite Bubba
Kandiland's Get To The Point
Ch. Kandiland She's My Rite Handman OD (12 years)
Am. CH. Kandiland's On The Rite Track
Arg Ch Kandiland Bambam Rockefeller
AmCH Amberac Ramala Surfurr OS SDHF (7.5 years)
Amberac Ramala Surfit Myway (12 years)
Amberac Ramala Surf's Up
Amberac Ramala Surf Holidais
Am. CH Kandiland's Certified Liter OD
Kandiland Geeenacre Doublemint
Arg CH Mystic Texas Wilsam
Mystic's Carte Blanche UDX AX AXJ NJP
Mystic Travelers Check UD
Mystic Cumberland Treasure CD OA WC TDI (13 years)
Mystic Prince Megabucks
Mystic Yukon Gold
Mystic The Price Is Right
Mystic's Golden Penny
Mystic Golden Treasure
Mystic's Pennies From Heaven
Mystic Fortune
Am. CH. Celestial Sirius Jake CDX JH WC OS SDHF VC CGC (11 years)
Celestial Second Exposure CD SH WCX CanCD (10.5 years)
Celestial's Duke Ruaridh (11 years)
Celestial Southern Star
Celestial's Brodie Row
Celestial Jake Dakota
Cellestial Mornington Harbor
Celestial Southern Cross
Celestial's Grand Illusion
Mystic Butter Me Up
Maira Bosch Aliste
CH. CHI. Sally von Herr Ven
Ron von Herr Ven
GCH. CHI. CH. INT. Casablanca's Sammy
Fany de Markelo
Greta Saint Laurent
Tinny Von herr-ven
Tara von Herr-Ven
Shirley de san petersburg

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