
Golden Retriever

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Scott Lancer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Scott Lancer (OFA GR-6188)
Tobias The Magnificent (OFA GR-6772)
AmCH Sun Dance Yankee Clipper (OFA GR-3712)
Sun Dance's Flossie
Topono's Dolly Madison
Sun Dance's Just Jimmy CD
Autumn's Golden Princess CD (OFA GR-1436 Good)
Am. CH. Vagabond's Rondo (OFA GR-30)
Am. CH. Vagabond's Brandy Snifter CD
Sidram Vagabond Sexpot
Vagabond Sampson
Snow Storm Maggie
Vagabond Dolly
Vegas' Bet
Vegas' Honey Shelley Ramsey
Sunny Star Of Vegas' Hollywood CD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Jezebel
Sun Dance's Cinnamon Dragon CDX
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire CD OS SDHF (OFA GR-406)
Sun Dance's Daphne
Sun Dance's Explorer
AmCH Milaur's Aphrodite OD (OFA GR 511)
Milaur's Bathsheba
Milaur's Bali Hi
Am. CH. Milaur's Aurora OD
Am. CH Milaur's Bridget (OFA GR-466)
Milaur's Achilles
Milaur's Destiny Of Goldrush
Am. CH. Milaur's Acheron
Am. CH. Milaur's Athena CD WC (OFA GR-8)
Am. CH. Milaur's Baal Benefactor CD OS (OFA GR-101)
Karobard's Magnificent Topaz (OFA GR-2760)
Golden Glow's Honey Bear (OFA GR-1798)
Gayhaven Timidiquis (OFA GRC-029)
Gayhaven Whistle Stop
Gayhaven Call Girl (OFA GRC-027)
Goldenrod's Ray Of Friendship ** (OFA GRC-22)
Goldenrod's Sunset Ray
Gayhaven Bit Of England
Trievon Ravishing Nolden
Trievon Splashing Gold
Trievon Tomboy
Brandy's Golden Glow (OFA GR-645)
Golden Pandora IV
Brandy's Golden Girl
Cherry's Golden Lox
Am/Can. CH. Patanjer's Cherilon Buff CD
Lucy Kay
Copper's Gold Nugget
Morgan's Colorado Gold
Heather's Brandy
Our Boys Golden Bingo

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