
Golden Retriever

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Lakesyde's Fill-R-Up

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lakesyde's Fill-R-Up
Lakesyde R We Having Fun Yet
CH Lakesyde Tuck E Ve R Lasting
Am CH Scion It's Gun-na Be Me (OFA GR-75622G24M-PI)
BIS BISS Am CH Legacy's Standing Ovation SDHF Am and Can OS (OFA GR-65227G24M-T)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Goodtime's Best Case Scenario CD JH WC VCX OS SDHF (OFA GR-48563G24M-T)
Goodtime's Shadow (OFA GR-55655G35M)
Am. Ch. Goodtime's Best Foot Forward OD (OFA GR-49880G28F)
BIS Am/Can CH Goodtime's Trademark of Rush Hill OA NAJ OS SDHF (OFA GR-61496G24M-T)
Am. CH Goodtime's Trade Secret AX, AXJ (OFA GR-73487G62F-PI)
Am. CH Goodtime's Jack of All Trades (OFA GR-63084F30M)
Goodtime's Queenly Best
Goodtime's Best Rich Victory
MEX CH, GCM, CC Goodtime's Best Of Luck
Goodtime's Best Part Of Life
Goodtime's Best Is Yet To Come
Goodtime's Best Seller (OFA GR-49531F26M)
Goodtime's Tricks Of The Trade
Goodtime's Trade Talk Mystar
Am./Can. CH. Windance Legacy's Pipe Dream OD (OFA GR 49967F26F-T)
CanCH Windance Rosegold Dreamaker
Am CH Scion Tell It To The Judge WC OD (OFA GR-65125G24F-T)
Scion Dreamin Of Diamonds
Scion Keeper Of The Gold CDX JH (OFA GR-72547G27M-PI)
Summits Goldstorm Ropin The Wind (OFA GR-56105G29M-T)
Summits Carrera Wind Chill (OFA GR-57761G28M-T)
Summits Way Of The Wind
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Mysterious Ways OD SDHF (OFA GR-53388G25F)
Ducat's Fortune Teller JH WC (OFA GR-44662F24F-T)
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX (OFA GR-45263G26F-T)
Ducat's Wheel Of Fortune (OFA GR-45494G26F)
Ducat's Fortune Cookie
CH Gnp's Lakesyde Christmaskiss (OFA GR-77953G25F-PI)
Gold'N'Point Hit The Road Jack JH, WC (OFA GR-81359G24M-PI)
GNP's Lakesyde Christmas Angel CD RN SH OA OAJ WCX TD (OFA GR-81352G24F-PI)
Gold'N'Point's Island Girl
CH Gold'n' Point Mistletoe WC OD (OFA Gr-77609G24F-PI)
BISS CH Quest Lakesyde Christmaskidd CD JH WCX OS VC BISS BOSS (OFA GR-66091G24M-PI)
Quest Keepsake Christmas Punch TD
Quest PSF Angel In Dysguise (OFA GR 70808F35F-PI)
Quest's Christmas Celebration
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (OFA GR-33513G24M)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (OFA GR-33384F24M)
Faera's Future Finesse (OFA GR-37654G34F)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (OFA GR-37772G24F)
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (OFA GR-33731G25F)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (OFA GR-33389F24F)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-37666G24M)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (OFA GR-41567F39F)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-34673F30F)
Ch. Shyans Quest Star Attraction OD (OFA GR-47703G24F)
Shyan's Sheeza Star (OFA GR-49990G31F)
Shyan's Bound To B A Star (OFA GR-47681F24M)
Shyan Cody's Cienega Star (OFA GR-47538F24M)
Shyan Sapphire Wish Upon A Star (OFA GR-49603G30F)
Shyan's Risky Business
Ch. Shyan's Way Out West
Shyan's Sunshine Calif Suite
Gold'n'point Beanie Baby Kis OD (OFA GR-67128G24F-T)
Gold'n'point My Eyes Adoredyou (OFA GR-75381G24F-PI)
Am. CH. Edgehill Sudden Impact OS (OFA GR-48638G24M)
CanCH Edgehill Twice As Nice
Edgehill Elite Repeat (OFA GR-54420G24M)
Am. CH Edgehill Naughty By Nature (OFA GR-48487G24F-T)
Edgehill Rags To Riches (OFA GR-48728F25M-T)
Am. CH Edgehill Rich And Famous (OFA GR-48729F25F-T)
Am. CH Edgehill Strike It Rich (OFA GR-48512G24F)
Edgehill Timberee Tinker (OFA GR-49882F27F)
Am CH Edgehill Teran's Frat-Rush OS (OFA GR-49129F26M-T)
Am/Can CH Edgehill Masters C N Double OD (OFA GR-54793G25F)
Edgehill Repeat The Beat (OFA GR-54792G25F-T)
Edgehill Duplicate Design (OFA GR-54704G25F-T)
Edgehill Destiny's Kodiak Cub (OFA GR-54842G25F-T)
Skyline Allenridge X's N O's (OFA GR-55126G25F-T)
Allenridge Haunted Heart (OFA GR-57115G30F)
Allenride Ace In The Hole (OFA GR-56447F28F)
CanCH Allenridge Th'rd Rate Romance (OFA GR-54794G24F)

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