
Golden Retriever

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Dovecottage Dazzles Dreamwork

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dovecottage Dazzles Dreamwork
Dove Cottage Gracie Green
BIS BISS Am/Can Ch Dreamwork's Freeze Frame Am OS SDHF (13.5 years)
Can.Ch. Dreamwork's Freeze The Future
Am/Can. CH. Tarwathie's One Moment In Time
Can Ch Tarwathie's Dock Of The Bay
Baylor's Warrior Poet (12 years)
Baylor Gunma Fukushima Haiku
Baylor Gunma Fukushima Sakura
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS (14.5 years)
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader (4.5 years)
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore (12.5 years)
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board
Tucker's Line Of Credit
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD (13 years)
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX (9.5 years)
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man
Can CH. Stormyridge Broken Heart
CanCH Stormyrdg Your Cheat-N-Heart
FortKnox's Simply Dreamwork
Can Ch FortKnox's Foolish Gem (14.5 years)
Can CH Creeksidefrm's Game Set Match (11 years)
Can CH Creeksidefrm's Center Court
Can. Ch. CreeksideFrm's Fireside Racket (11.5 years)
Prospectors Chasing Sunbeams
MOTCH & BDA OTCH Prospectors Otta B N Pictures AM/UCDX AGN ADC CGN RN(MCL) CKC RE BDA OA NJ OBHF (11.5 years)
CanCH Prospectors Rising Sun
Can Ch. Dove Cottage Liza Jane
Can Ch. Dove Cottage Carter At Jackson BPIS BIS
MBIS MBISS.Am/Can/Br CH. Eirene's This One's For You SDHF OS (12.5 years)
Am/Can CH Eirene Laurell OnefortheMoney
Am. & Can. Ch. Eirene Westmont's April One OD
CanCH Eirene's One Man Band
Can CH Eirene's She's The One
MBPIS Can Ch. Eirene's One Moment In Time
Am. CH Eirene Laurell's One'Derful
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF (9 years)
Laurell's With A Hearty Cheer
Laurell's With Ablaze Of Glory
Laurell's With Oliver's Song
Laurells With Flying Colors
Laurell's Celebration Heart
Am. Ch. Laurell's Three Cheers
Am. Ch. Laurell's With A Victory Yell
Laurell With Banners Waving UD AX
Laurell's Rave Review
Am & BIS Can CH. Eirene's Soul And Inspiration Am Can OD SDHF (5 years)
Can CH Eirene's Reason To Believe Can WC CD OD
CanCH Eirene's Wild Irish Rose CD
Eirene's Bailey CanCD
MBIS BISS Am./Can. Ch. Eirene's Soul Provider Can SDHF Am Can OS (12 years)
Am./Can.CH. Eirene's Sunkist OD (15 years)
Am./Can. CH. Eirene's Love Or Magic Am./Can. OD (14.5 years)
Can CH Goldcard's Sadie Hawkins
CanCH Goldcard's Quest for The Cup
Am-Can Ch Tempo's Schoolhouse Rock Can SDHF (10 years)
CH Tempo's Rock This Town
Can CH Cardium's Crystal Cave

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