
Golden Retriever

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Timberee's Cavu Day

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Timberee's Cavu Day
Timberee's In A Tailspin
Timberee Continental Caption CD RN (OFA GR-91107G38M-PI)
Timberee's Ready For Take-Off
Timberee Sonic Boom UD RN AX AXJ NAP NJP
Timberee Piper Cub
Seeshaw Prairie Storm CDX (GR-71635F30M-PI)
U-CH AM CH Nautilus Cap'n Crunch CDX AX OAJ OS U-CD AGI (OFA GR-52745F24M-T)
Nautilus Tug Thunderbolt
Nautilus Thunderins Renagade
Nautilus Distant Thunder
Nautilus Cameron Apple Jacks
Nautilus Newport Just Right
Nautilus Toryglen Cheerios (OFA GR-52739G24F-T)
Nautilus Nut -N- Honey (OFA GR-52734F24F)
Am. CH Nautilus Fabulous Thunderbird OD (OFA GR-51668F28F-T)
Nautilus Stole My Thunder UD
Nautilus Golden Warrior
Ch. Nautilus Breeze Caymen Acres (OFA GR-50235G24M)
Am. CH. Nautilus Golden Grahams (OFA GR-52702F24M-T)
Nautilus Romancing The Stone (OFA GR-53784G26M)
Nautilus Runnymede Thunderful (OFA GR-50196F24F-T)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-37666G24M)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (OFA GR-33384F24M)
Faera's Future Finesse (OFA GR-37654G34F)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (OFA GR-37772G24F)
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (OFA GR-33731G25F)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (OFA GR-33389F24F)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (OFA GR-41567F39F)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-34673F30F)
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (OFA GR-33513G24M)
Am. CH Nautilus Treasure Trove OD (OFA GR-368616G24)
Am. CH Nautilus Treasure Map (OFA GR-36949G24M)
Am. CH Nautilus Obvious Treasure SDHF
Am. CH Nautilus Forever Treasured (OFA GR-36853F24M)
Trovehill I'm A Seeshaw Flyer (OFA GR-60247G40F-T)
Trovehill I Luv Boot Scoot'N (OFA GR-55811G28F-T)
Trovehill I'm A Heartbreaker CDX (OFA GR-54557G24M-T)
Am./Can. CH Colabaugh Fire Bear Houdini OS SDHF (OFA GR-28527G24M)
AM-CAN CH Colabaugh's Going Magical Can WC (OFA GR-30695G32F)
Colabaugh's Sho Me Magic
Am./Can. CH. Colabaugh's Ali Kazam CD (OFA GR-28618F24F)
Seeshaw Blossom At Trovehill (OFA GR-45266E24F)
Timberee's Autumn's Glow UD NA NAJ CCA OD (OFA GR-74338G26F-PI)
Timberee's My Captain
Timberee Wind Of The West
Can. CH. Stanroph Secret Weapon Can. CD (OFA GR-66243G24M-T / BVA 8:6)
Stanroph Stolen Love Of Benwyl (BVA Hip Score 12:11)
Stanroph Stolen Moments At Garvin (BVA Hip Score 9:7)
Stanroph Solo Flight (4:2)
Stanroph Stolen Gem
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW (BVA 4:5)
Garvin Gigolo (BVA Hip Score 4:5)
Garvin Gangsters Moll at Putjade (BVA Hip Score 6:6)
Garvin Gypsy Rose
Stanroph Sailors Fantasy (BVA Hip Score 5:5)
Eng. SH. CH. Stanroph Spring Fantasy KCJW (BVA 5:4)
Stanroph Spring Breeze At Beeangee (BVA Hip Score 6:5)
Stanroph Spring Double
Stanroph Spring Glow (BVA Hip Score 21:22)
Stanroph Spring Rose at Tenfield (BVA 11:13)
Stanroph Spring Warrior of Vanrose (10:6)
Ariell Timberees Meant To Be CDX (OFA GR-56462G24F)
Am./Can. CH. Ariell's Bluebells MX MXB MXJ MJB AXP AJP OD (OFA GR-57034G25F-T)
Ariell Sweet And Sassy
Ariell's Kodiak Stormwarning
Ariell Ain't No Buddy Better
UKC - CDX Ariell Hudson Bay Excursion UD
Ariell Golden Penelope
Ariell's Debonaire UD
Am-Can Ch. Malagold Storm Warning OS SDHF (OFA GR-42477G25M)
Ch. Malagold's Whisper The Wind (OFA GR-50419G27F)
Am. CH Malagold's Good Time Charlie CGC,TDI
Am./Can. CH. Malagold Starhart's Tory-Adore
Am. CH Malagold's Beaujolais (OFA GR-42476G25F)
Malagold Alexander The Great
Malagold Gun Tot'n Sodbuster
Malagold Heed The Warning
Malagold Boscobel
Malagold Stella By Starlight
Malagold VIII
Malagold Springtime Sophia
Can Ch Malagold Kiss The Boys G'Bye
Malagold's Summer Twister
Malagold STRHRT Dance Th'tide
Malagold Starhart Tidal Wave
Malagold Dauninge Kyrie Suny (OFA GR-50842G28F)
Am./Can. CH. Ariell's Waldenway Gabrielle UD OA NAJ OD Can. CDX (OFA GR-34852G25F-T)
Ariell's Waldenway Reverie TD
Ariell's Opal
Ariell Bittersweet Flyway CD JH WC CGC
Ariell (SF462808)

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