
Golden Retriever

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Buckeye Outstanding Appeal

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Buckeye Outstanding Appeal (OFA GR-74817G29F-PI)
CH Buckeye Standing Ovation OS (OFA GR-73711G24-PI)
Am. CH Malagold Take A Stand SDHF (OFA GR-57610F24M)
UCH Malagold Tiramisu Shenanigan (OFA GR-58526G27F)
Malagold Strike A Pose
Am./Can. CH Ocoee Caerfilly Chosen (OFA GR-39976F30M-T)
Caerfilly Appalachian Spring CDX JH NA WCX (OFA GR-38765F26M-T)
Caerfilly August Moon MH WCX (OFA GR-42537F40M)
Caerfilly's Calgary Sleuth
Caerfilly's Cloisonne (OFA GR-40027F30F-T)
Can Ch. Kyrie W'Ayodele CD JH OS Am/Can WC (OFA GR-36690G29M)
Kyrie Willin
Kyrie Ter Wiffik Of Timberee CD
Am. CH. Kyrie Glorybee Whynot Gilder SDHF
Can. CH Kyrie Willow Run
Kyrie Winsome Wench
Kyrie Windcrest Winston CD
Can. CH Kyrie Whirlygirl Boondocks Am./Can. CD (OFA GR-34094G25F-T)
Kyrie Windsong To Trowsnest (GR-27523F24F-T)
Kyrie Whisperwind Willoughby CD, TDI
Belvedere's Kyrie Angel CD JH WCX OD Can CD (OFA GR-34184G27F-T)
Kyrie Windfall Of Frankera
Am./Can. CH U-CD Landican's Shining Sirius CDX WCX OD JH (OFA GR-25172G29F)
Am. CH Landican's Dazzl'n Sir Brandon CD JH WC (OFA GR-25560G30M)
Can. CH. Landican Waldenway Lightnin Am. CDX (OFA GR-24337G24M-T)
Landican's Dajans Mackenzie CD (OFA GR-26243G34M)
Am. CH. Landican's Ocoee Opportunity CD SDHF (OFA GR-24620G26F)
Malagold Fairy Tale (OFA GR-44436G24F)
Malagold Full Of Spirit CD
Malagold Friar Tuck
Malagold Chewbacca Brio Bear
Golden Boy King Jake
Malagold Kelsey Jo
Malagold Deja Frances Hankerson
Malagold Beetle Bailey
UCD, Am. CH. Malagold Sovreign Spirit (OFA GR-35087G24M)
Highmark Sumerset Texas Lil' CD JH (OFA GR-35928G27F)
Malagold Happy Ending
Buckeye Alberta Clipper (OFA GR-56464G25F-T)
Winchesters Eclpse Royale (OFA GR-55946G24M-T)
Am/Can CH Beckwiths Early Eclipse SDHF (OFA GR-27558F24M-T)
BIS BISS Am./Can. CH Alderbrookes Rush Hill Rebel Am/Can TD OS SDHF (OFA GR-18280)
Alderbrooke's Carle (OFA GR-19147)
Am/Can CH Beckwiths Normandee Rose Am/Can CDX, Can WC (OFA GR-18464 Good)
Buckeye Royal Winchester (OFA GR-49608G33F-T)
Buckeye Bold Ruler WC
Can. CH OTCH Daystar's Bold Confederate OS (OFA GR-36977G25M-T)
AmCH Daystar Rockcreek Jazzy Lady (OFA GR-37159F25F-T)
Daystar's Abracadabra (OFA GR-38291F30F-T)
Am CH Daystar Heart's Next Dance
Am. CH. Buckeye Tabetha (OFA GR-21804-T)
Foxfire's Buckeye Legacy (GR-21514G26F)
Buckeye Fairwind (OFA Gr-255358G45F-T)
Buckeye Samantha (OFA GR-21867-T)
OTCH Buckeye All the Right Stuff WCX JH TD VCX OBHF (GR-21072)

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