
Golden Retriever

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Braefield's Hot Tamolly

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Braefield's Hot Tamolly (CKC RL018559)
Braefield's Beautiful Dreamer
Braefield Sweet Dreams Baby
Braefield I Have A Dream
Braefield California Dreaming
Braefield's Wildest Dreams
Braefield's Hot Summer Nights (CKC RL018556)
Braefield's Hot Summer Gem (CKC RL018565)
Braefield's Hot Down Under (CKC RL018561)
Braefield's Daydream Believer
Braefield's Dream Lover
Braefield's Dream Girls
Braefield's Long Hot Summer
Braefield's Too Hot To Handle (CKC RL018563)
Can Ch Braefield's Dream Boy Can CD WC JH GRCC VC (CKC MU830095)
Braefield's Once Upon A Dream CDX, WCI, JH GRCC VC, CH ptd (CKC MU830089)
Braefield's Dream Weaver (CKC MU836715)
Braefield Dream A Little Dream (CKC MU830090)
Braefield's Dream Come True (CKC MU836713)
Braefield's A Dream For Chance (CKC MU830087)
Braefield's Dream Catcher Can CDX (CKC MU830082)
Can. Ch. Stanroph Spice Boy (CKC 1074685)
Stanroph Stop And Glance (Other KC Reg. Z3378801Z03)
Stanroph Stop and Shoot
Esp. Ch. Stanroph Stop and Look
Eng. SH. CH. Stanroph Shoe Shine Boy At Lindjan
Stanroph Silent Spirit
Stanroph Silent Angel Of Laurenley (Other KC Reg. S0941502S01)
Stanroph Silent Conquest (FCI S26564/92)
Eng. SH. CH. Stanroph Spring Fantasy KCJW (Other KCSB 3534 CE)
Stanroph Spring Breeze At Beeangee (Other KC Reg. T3047608T02)
Stanroph Spring Double (Other KC Reg. T3047606T02)
Stanroph Spring Glow (Other KC Reg. T3047603T02)
Stanroph Spring Rose at Tenfield (Other KC Reg. T3047604T02)
Stanroph Spring Warrior of Vanrose (UKC T3047601T02)
Sherhaven Trilogy of Braefield CD, WC, JH (CKC HQ542824)
Can. CH OTCH SR Sherhaven's Spenser For Hire RA WCX SH TD GRCC VCX VHOF OHOF Am. WCX JH CD TT (CKC HQ542821)
Sherhaven's Astronomical (CKC HQ542820)
Sherhaven's Mad about Madeline (CKC HQ542826)
Sherhaven's Righteous Riley (CKC HQ542822)
Sherhaven's Dexter (CKC HQ542819)
Sherhaven's Georgia on My Mind (CKC HQ542818)
Am. CH OTCH Wingmasters Ounce Of Gold UDX WC VCX Can. CD GRCA OS (AKC SM843212/06)
U-UD Wingmaster's Just My Style UD JH MX AXJ WCX OBHF Can. CDX CGC (AKC SM843212/05)
Wingmaster's Dances With Ducks JH WC (AKC SM843212/02)
Wingmaster Deux Caret (AKC SM843212/09)
Wingmaster Brandy Of Brentwd (AKC SM843212/08)
OTCH Wingmasters Autumn Daybreak UDX JH WC OD OBHF (AKC SM84321204)
Sherhaven Rimfire Daisy Chain (CKC AE984475)
Sherhaven Rimfire Excalibur CanCDX (CKC AE984480)
Sherhaven Braefield Abracdabra CD, WC (CKC LA703683)
Sherhaven's Thyme for Shelby
Sherhaven's Thyme for Bailey
Sherhaven's Spring Spirit (CKC KG672429)
Sherhaven's Taylor Fladgate (CKC LA703681)
Sherhaven's Miss Daisy May
Sherhaven's Ginger Snap
Sherhaven's Coriander (CKC LA703682)
Sherhaven's Anise (CKC LA703680)
Sherhaven's Life with Riley
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (CKC 1068602)
Dewmist Diamantina (Other SwedKC # S33855/98)
Dewmist Dawnwatch (Other SwedKC # S33853/98)
Dewmist Dakotah (Other SwedKC # S33852/98)
Dewmist Daylander (Other SwedKC # S33851/98)
Dewmist Dappledown (Other SwedKC # S33850/98)
Dewmist Daleview (Other SwedKC # S33849/98)
Dewmist Derringer (Other SwedKC # S33848/98)
Swed. SH CH/Norw. CH Marjamez Masterpiece (Other SwedKC # S49913/97)
Marjamez Marguerita Time (Other KC Reg. X1108705X01)
Marjamez Mexicali Rose At Forbendale (Other KC Reg. X1108704X01)
Marjamez My Guy at Rossgilde (Other KCSB 1971CJ (2000))
LPI Dewmist Dark'n Divine (Other Swed.KC # S35682/93)
Dewmist Dennis The Menice (Other SwedKC # S35677/93)
Dewmist Down By The Sea (S35678/93) (Other SwedKC # S35678/93)
Dewmist Devil's Disciple (Other SwedKC # S35679/93)
Dewmist Dark As Dungeon (Other SwedKC # S35680/93)
Dewmist Dribs'n Drabs (Other SwedKC # S35681/93)
Dewmist Dancing in The Dark (Other SwedKC # S35683/93)
Dewmist Dance With A Dolly (Other SwedKC # S35684/93)
Dewmist Deep in My Heart (Other SwedKC # S35685/93)
Sherhaven's Thyme of Your Life (CKC HE497902)
Can. CH Sherhaven's Duffy (CKC XN865135)
Sherhaven's Blue Sky Blond
Sherhaven's Lady Toffee
Sherhaven's Princess Chelsea
Sherhaven's Murphy
Can. CH Sherhaven's Whirlwind Romance (SM884034/01)
Sherhaven's Special Delivery Can. CD, WC, JH (CKC XW880865)
Sherhaven Ben Oh Heavenly Dog
Sherhaven Gerret Heaven Cent Can. CD
Can CH Sherhaven's My Blue Heaven Am. CDX Can. CDX WC (CKC YN935996)

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