
Golden Retriever

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Camelot's Keeper Of The Flame

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Camelot's Keeper Of The Flame
Camelot's Embers To Ashes (13.5 years)
Camelot's Don't Forget The Lime TDI
RBIS Aust./ Can./UKC Ch Camelot Quapaw's To Oz & Back CCA (13.5 years)
Camelot's Hearts A Fire (14 years)
Camelot's And I Love Her (14.5 years)
ARCHX Camelot's Ready To Rumble CD, RE, CGC, CCA, RL1X, RL2X, RL3 (13.5 years)
Camelot's Guilty By Association (13 years)
Camelot's Guilty As Sin (6.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be Bad (8.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be A Kathouse Mouse CD (13.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be A Pied Piper (13.5 years)
Braeside Sweet Amber Rose
Quapaw's I Be A Golden Empresse
Quapaw's I Be A Homerun
Quapaw's I Be Daisy May
Quapaw's I Be Plato
Quapaws I Be Donatello
Camelot's Speaker Of The House (14 years)
Camelot's Optical Illusion (4.5 years)
Camelot's By Invitation Only (13.5 years)
Camelot's Rumor Has It CCA (13 years)
Am. CH. Pond House Mr Roberts OS (12 years)
Stonehill's Panache (9 years)
Camelot's Ivyhill One Mo'Time (10 years)
U-CD Ivyhill Camelot's Ocean Sunset CD, JH, WCX, CGC (11.5 years)
CH. Ivyhill's Camelot Illusion (12.5 years)
Ivyhill's Camelot Mirage (11.5 years)
Ch Shannon Of Camelot's Ivyhill (10 years)
Camelot's Okeechobee Intoxication CCA (12.5 years)
Camelot's Guilty By Association (13 years)
Camelot's Guilty As Sin (6.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be Bad (8.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be A Kathouse Mouse CD (13.5 years)
Quapaw's I Be A Pied Piper (13.5 years)
Braeside Sweet Amber Rose
Quapaw's I Be A Golden Empresse
Quapaw's I Be A Homerun
Quapaw's I Be Daisy May
Quapaw's I Be Plato
Quapaws I Be Donatello
Camelot's Speaker Of The House (14 years)
Camelot's Optical Illusion (4.5 years)
Camelot's By Invitation Only (13.5 years)
Okeechobee's Almost Easter
BPIS/BPISS CanCH Goldhaven's Okeechobee Vicki
Mex CH Okeechobee's Timothy Mcnichol (13 years)
Okeechobee By Golly Miss Molly
Okeechobee's Presentation
CanCH Okeechobee's Goldhaven Haley CanWCI JH SDHF
Goldhaven Return to Okeechobee
Goldhaven's Island Jara

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