
Golden Retriever

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Ch Redsteps Gaelic Storm at Greengables

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ch Redsteps Gaelic Storm at Greengables
Redsteps Crystal Summer of Ardala (HD11)
Ch Tamnavulin Kings Ransom at Redsteps (HD00)
Tamnavulin Amber Warrior
Ch Redsteps Nicholas (HD00)
S.A. Ch. Redsteps Wishfulthinking
Ch Vom Immengrund Aike of Redsteps (HD11)
vom immengrund anja of erhugna
SA Ch Vom Immengrund Asco of Redsteps
Bluebraes Flashdance
Bluebraes Rainsplash (14:12)
Bluebraes Bardolino (3:16)
Bluebraes Lord O'the Dance (2:7)
Bluebraes Skye (9:12)
Bluebraes Aquarius For Glynafton (8:6)
Shirgold Justadelight (12:13)
Shirgold Justudare (3:4)
Zillenberg Macy of Redsteps
Zillenberg Derry of Quillquest
Zillenberg Kincaid
Redsteps Golden Gus
S.A. Ch. Redsteps Wishfulthinking
Redsteps Golden Fantasy
Zillenberg Despoina
Ch Redsteps Grand Finale
Zillenberg Erin

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