
Golden Retriever

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Ambertru's Pretty Boy Floyd

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Ambertru's Pretty Boy Floyd
BPISS CanCH Happy Acres Sky's The Limit Am CD NAP Can CDX AgN SADC (OFA GR 75049F31M-PI)
Can/Int Ch Happy Acres Myname In Lights (OFA GR-70484F24F-PI)
Happy Acres Doing it Light CD
Am/Can Ch. Happy Acres Heaven Sent CDX (OFA gr-73064G24F-PI)
Happy Acre's First Light
CanCH Happy Acres Star Light
Am. CH. Edgehill Sudden Impact OS (OFA GR-48638G24M)
CanCH Edgehill Twice As Nice
Edgehill Elite Repeat (OFA GR-54420G24M)
Am. CH Edgehill Naughty By Nature (OFA GR-48487G24F-T)
Edgehill Rags To Riches (OFA GR-48728F25M-T)
Am. CH Edgehill Rich And Famous (OFA GR-48729F25F-T)
Am. CH Edgehill Strike It Rich (OFA GR-48512G24F)
Edgehill Timberee Tinker (OFA GR-49882F27F)
Am CH Edgehill Teran's Frat-Rush OS (OFA GR-49129F26M-T)
Am/Can CH Edgehill Masters C N Double OD (OFA GR-54793G25F)
Edgehill Repeat The Beat (OFA GR-54792G25F-T)
Edgehill Duplicate Design (OFA GR-54704G25F-T)
Edgehill Destiny's Kodiak Cub (OFA GR-54842G25F-T)
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (OFA GR-33513G24M)
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (OFA GR-33384F24M)
Faera's Future Finesse (OFA GR-37654G34F)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (OFA GR-37772G24F)
Faera's Future Vsop
Faera's Future Windsong
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (OFA GR-33731G25F)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (OFA GR-33389F24F)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (OFA GR-37666G24M)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (OFA GR-41567F39F)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (OFA GR-34673F30F)
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF (OFA GR 32388F24F)
Ch. Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Diamond OS (OFA GR-32558G24M)
Am./Can. CH. Nautilus Magic Diamond CD JH WC VC CGC (OFA GR-32452F24M)
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds R Forever (OFA GR-33717G29M)
Am. CH Nautilus Diamond Back Zack CD
Am. CH Nautilus Blue Diamond (OFA GR-35983F37M)
AmCH Nautilus Diamond Schooner (OFA GR-34295F32M)
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds N Rust
Am./Can. CH. Honor's Kissed By An Angel (OFA GR-55779G28F-T)
Am CH Honor's Call Me A Taxi (OFA GR-48217G31F)
Honor's Powderhorn On Call (OFA GR-46913G27F)
Am. CH. Honor's Shut Up 'n Kiss Me CGC (OFA GR-55966G25F-T)
Honor's My Kingdom For A Kiss TD
Am CH Honor's Runnymede High Calling (OFA GR-4581G24M-T)
Am CH Honor's Straight From Heaven (OFA GR-50084G24F-T)
Honor's Olympic Butterfly Kiss MX AXJ OD
JKC.CH Honor's Applause Of Heaven
Am. CH Honor's Call Me Irresistible OD (OFA GR-45766F24F-T)
AmCH Honor's The Gates Of Heaven OD (OFA GR-51261G30F-T)
Am. Ch. Honor's Highway To Heaven OD (OFA GR-49995G24F)
Am CH Honor's Wake Up Call OD (OFA GR-46943G27F)
CH Honor's Call Me Kissable
BISS Am. Ch. Honor's Let's Go To The Hop SDHF OS (OFA GR-40262G24M)
Am. CH Honor's Knock Your Lights Out (OFA GR-45205G28M)
Am. CH Honor's New York Lights (OFA GR-45002G27M)
Am. CH Honor's Green Acres Limelight (OFA GR-43811G24M-T)
Am. CH Honor's I've Seen The Light OD WC (OFA GR-43955F24F-T)
Am. CH Honor's My Name In Lights (OFA GR-44417G25F-T)
Am. CH Honor's You Light Up My Life (OFA GR-44263G25M-T)
Am. CH Honor's Social Light SDHF (OFA GR-44465F26F)
Honor's Lights Camera Action
Honor's Let There Be Light
Honor's Hoppin' For Trouble (OFA GR-41737G29F-T)
Am Jap CH Honor's Goldstorm Hop T' Y'All Drop (OFA GR-40683G24F-T)
CH Honor's Bunny De Light CD
Am. CH Honor's Turn On Your Heart Light (OFA GR-44264G25F-T)
CH Honor's Bunny Hop CD OA NAJ WC VCX OD BOSS (OFA GR-41747F29F)
Am. CH Honor's Pucker Up OD (OFA GR-31532G30F-T)
Kulta's Ambertru Happy Daze (OFA GR-71361G24F-PI)
CanCH Ambertru's Touch Tag (OFA GR-64843G24M-T)
Ambertru Shaynedoro Luvmnleavm CanCDX
Ambertru's Immortal Beloved
Ambertru Starquest Magic Touch (OFA GR-65341F25-T)
Ambertru Starquest One Touch (OFA GR-68463G35F)
BPIS CanCH Ambertru's Untouchable OD (OFA GR-64851G24F-T)
Am. CH Faera's Touch Of Thunder (OFA GR-46853G24M)
Am. CH Faera's Thundering Patriot (OFA GR-48038F28F)
AmCH Faera's Thunder Road To Calusa (OFA GR-47222G26F-T)
Faera's Wish Come True (OFA GR-54328G24F)
Faera's True Thunder Boomer (OFA GR-58913F37M-T)
Faera's True Elegance (OFA GR-54904G26F-T)
Am.Ch. Faera's True Freedom (OFA GR-54978G25F)
CanCH Clearviews Ambertru Touch (OFA GR-53336G24F-T)
Clearviews Money Talks (OFA GR-49103F32F-T)
AM/ Can BIS CH Clearviews Talk Of The Town (OFA GR-46133G24M)
Hyline's Clearview Sweet Talk
Am./Can. CH. Clearviews Look Who's Talking CD (OFA GR-47592F29M)
Am./Can. CH. Amberac's Mesmerizing Mickey OS (OFA GR-35865F24M)
Amberac's Mystical Charm CDX JH WC VC OD (OFA GR-42526G50F)
Am./Can. CH. Amberac's Twix Is Baylormagic CGC (OFA GR-36300F25F)
Amberac Star Spangeled Banner (OFA GR-41501G27F)
Amberac's New Albany Annie (OFA GR-42565F31F)
AmCH Amberac's Li'l Spoiler UDT (OFA GR-41640F28M)

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