
Golden Retriever

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Swiftwit Always A Sunnyboy

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Swiftwit Always A Sunnyboy
Swiftwit Always A Miracle
Swiftwit Always A Shooting-Star
Swiftwit Always A Heartbreaker
Swiftwit Always A Winner
Swiftwit Always A Jackpot
Swiftwit Always A Lady
Swiftwit Always A Star
Swiftwit Always A Mystery
Dual Ch. PI.Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Over The Rainbow (11.5 years)
Royal Crest Gold-n Double Eagle
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubletake
Royal Crest Gold-N Doubledare
It. Ch.,Int.Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Double Indemnity
Granroche Classic Love
Dual Ch. Summit Royalcrest Dexas Gold
Summit's Winston Churchill
Am. CH Summit's I've Got Rhythm
Am. CH Summits Mai Tai
Summits Sonic Boom
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC (11 years)
Can CH Rush-Hill's Goldmedal Ribbon Can CDX
CanCH Rush Hill's Struttin Sundae
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Sundae Jubilee (14 years)
Am. CH Rush Hill's Ted E Bear Swirl CDX (7.5 years)
Rush Hill's Heavenly Hash (14 years)
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Revel At Allsgold OS Can SDHF
Adagio's Summit Sonic Wave OD
Sir Morris Minor
Bunky Adagio Dinquer
Adagio's Golden Daylight
Adagio's I Love Lucy
Am. CH. Adagio's Shoot 'Em Up Cowboy SDHF (9 years)
Am. CH Ladera Winchester D'Adagio (14.5 years)
Pl. Ch. Int. Ch. Endelwood Just Jasmine For Royal Crest
It. Ch. Endelwood Just Johnny
DUAL CH -CH. IB/CH B&B / CH FT Fr/An Endelwood Make my Day Trialer (7 years)
Justrocco Endelwood
Pl. Ch. Royal Crest USA Direct
Int Ch, Italian Ch. Royal Crest Gold-N Ballistic Gza-Gza
CHIB CHTF Sonic Boom Royal Crest
Silent Speed of Sound
Golden Channel of Funnyline
Stanroph Sailors Fantasy
Garvin Gigolo
Garvin Gangsters Moll at Putjade
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW
Garvin Gypsy Rose
Shamrock Saphire
H Junior CH Stanroph Steal The Glory (2.5 years)
Stanroph Steal The Moment
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW
Garvin Gigolo
Garvin Gangsters Moll at Putjade
Garvin Gypsy Rose
Stanroph Sailors Fantasy
Xanthos Lemon Grass Among Stanroph
Eng. CH. Xanthos Black Thorn JW, SGWC (12 years)
Xanthos Brown Sugar
Xanthos Purple Patch
Xanthos Captain Scarlett
Xanthos Lady In Red
HCh. Mosonv?lgyi Viki res.veteran BIS
Jackralee St. Nicholas
Jackralee Noel At Garielthon
Jackralee Callas
Jackralee Tinsel
Jackralee Mistletoe
Jackralee Cheruttie
ESP/GBZ CH Jackralee Casals De La Enna
Carla of Gahling Meadow

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