
Golden Retriever

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U-CD WingMasters Princess Of Dawn CDX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

U-CD WingMasters Princess Of Dawn CDX (OFA GR-62787G24F-T)
U-CD Wingmasters Wild Irish Rogue UD RE WC (OFA GR-70433G26M-T)
UCDX Wingmaster I'm Tuffstuff Too CD RN MX MXJ AXP AJP RAC
CH Ashford's Saffron O'Reilly UDT JH WCX SDHF OS (OFA GR-43229G24M)
Am. CH. Ashford's Molly G Weintraub UD JH WCX VCX (OFA GR-43191G24F-T)
Ashford Centerfires Wildwest (OFA GR-44835G29M)
Ashfords Wade In The Water
Ashford's Minnesota Mikey
Ashford's Murphy Cronin
Ashford Irish Cream Mahlone
Am. CH. Sunshine's Goldwind Devon OS (OFA GR-31866G24M)
Sunshine's Diamond Lil UD MH WCX
Sunshine's Hot Pursuit (OFA GR-29476G25M)
Am. CH Sunshine's Such Success OD (OFA GR40548G29F)
Sunshine's Grand Prix
Raykist Sailin' Away Am./Can. CD (OFA GR-31942G24F)
Am. CH. Sunshine's Windwalker Cutter (OFA GR-26650G24M-T)
Am. CH Sunshine's Petit Fours OD (OFA GR-26623G24F)
Raykist Windwalker Jib (OFA GR-29356G24F-T)
Am./Can. CH Sunshine's Goldwind Sabrina
Am. CH Sunshine's Reveille CD (OFA GR-31899G24M)
Am. CH. Sunshine's Four on the Floor OS (OFA GR-23157F25M)
Rosewind's Shiver Me Timbers
Rosewind's Kkkoa Junior League
Rosewind's H'Ray For Hollywood
Sunshine's Stellar Skye CD
Rosewind's Dance With Paragon (OFA GR-22817)
Rosewind's Huinca de Oro
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD (OFA GR-22975F24F)
Am. CH. Rosewind's Ashford Murphy OS SDHF (OFA GR-22937G24M)
Rosewind's Sunshine Carolina OD (OFA GR-25875F26F)
Raykist Sunshine Champagne OD (OFA GR-23126)
Raykist Poster Girl (OFA GR-23590G24F)
Am. CH Raykist Key Largo Am./Can. CD CGC
Am. Can. CH Ashford's Annie O'Neill CD WC VC CGC OD (OFA GR-35785G27F)
Ashfords Lola Of Somerset (OFA GR-35166G24F)
Ashford Plumcreek Tara (OFA GR-35578F26F-Fair)
Ashford's Kiss Me Kate
Ashford's Taj Elan (OFA GR-40974F47M)
CH Ashford's Shine On Shannon CD (OFA GR-29151G24F)
Am. CH Ashford's Akira Kin (OFA GR-29282F24M)
Am. CH. Rosewind's Ashford Murphy OS SDHF (OFA GR-22937G24M)
Am. CH. Sunshine's Four on the Floor OS (OFA GR-23157F25M)
Rosewind's Shiver Me Timbers
Rosewind's Kkkoa Junior League
Rosewind's H'Ray For Hollywood
Sunshine's Stellar Skye CD
Rosewind's Dance With Paragon (OFA GR-22817)
Rosewind's Huinca de Oro
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD (OFA GR-22975F24F)
Rosewind's Sunshine Carolina OD (OFA GR-25875F26F)
CH Starring Dawn Heir Ashford CDX OD (OFA GR-23102G 24F)
CH Starring Dust 'N Dawn Heir (OFA GR-20463)
Starring Dawn Heir Foxfire (OFA GR-19346)
Starring Dawn Heir Fancy Bear MH WCX
Am. CH Starring Dawn Heirs Ruffian WC (OFA GR-19600G)
Starring Honor's Last Laugh (OFA GR-24594F29F-T)
OTCH Wingmasters Autumn Daybreak UDX JH WC OD OBHF (OFA GR-40722G24F)
U-UD Wingmaster's Just My Style UD JH MX AXJ WCX OBHF Can. CDX CGC
Wingmaster's Dances With Ducks JH WC (OFA GR-57282G77M)
Wingmaster Deux Caret (OFA GR-40599F24F)
Wingmaster Brandy Of Brentwd
Am. CH OTCH Wingmasters Ounce Of Gold UDX WC VCX Can. CD GRCA OS (OFA GR-40686G24M)
Am. CH Elysian Sky Hi Dubl Exposure UDT MH ** WCX VCX DDHF OS (OFA GR-32513E24M)
Am. CH. Elysian Image Of Oakshadows CD TDX OD TDI (OFA GR-34204G31F)
Elysian Rangefinder CD (OFA GR-37529F44M)
BIS CH. Elysian's Lil Leica Reprint UD TD MH WCX VCX DDHF SDHF OD BISS (OFA GR-33167G26F)
Am. CH. Wingwatcher Reddi To Rally CDX WC OS (OFA GR-12082G25M)
Am. CH Wingwatcher Calypso Music UDT WC VCX
Am. CH Trowsnest Wingwatcher's Bess CD WC (OFA GR-21179)
Wingwatcher Crash Gordon CD, WC
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Akacia O'Darnley UD TDX JH WCX VCX OD (OFA GR-23105G24F)
Am. CH Beaulieu's Autumn Fantasy (OFA GR-24523F32F)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Irish Mist UD JH WCX VCX OD (OFA GR-32821)
AmCH Saffron's Old Master UD JH WCX VCX OS (OFA GR-20905G M-T)
Golden Pine's Cayenne Pepper
Am CH Golden Pine O'Luv Cordon Bleu CD JH WC
Saffron's Golden Cleopatra (OFA GR-20843)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Pristina WC OD (OFA GR-16152 25F-T)
Beaulieu's Panttera (OFA GR-17526)
Beaulieu's Lady Carrie (OFA GR-14076)
Am. CH. Beaulieu's Line Drive CDX OS (OFA GR-13173F25M)

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