
Golden Retriever

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Cranwood's Chatterbox

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Cranwood's Chatterbox
Tess of the D'Urbervilles IX
Red Devil Raisin in the Sun
Cricket's Dawn Of A New Era
Anny Of Turtle Lake
Rockin S's Wild Rose Starr
G And G's Blaze
Kal's Red Hot Reba
Newell's Maggie Mae
Zibells Red Hot Chief
Koenig's Golden Max
Berry's Hat Trick Ranger
Ry Vigilante Dawg Cooder
Otiernagog's Red Maggie Max
Cricket's Sowega Magic
Cricket's Dream Chaser
General Rufus King
Wild Mountain Mason
FTCH AFTCH Shurmark's Split Decision Am. MH *** OS Can. FDHF
Shurmark's Knockem Dead Kid ***
Shurmark's Camelle
FTCH AFTCH Mioak's Shake 'N Jake Can. FDHF
Mioak's Kelly Boy ***
Northwinds Dr Goose PHD
Mioak's Mega Motion WCX **
OTCH Mioak's Yukon Gold Fever SH
FC AFC Mioak's Main Event OS FDHF
Mioak's Megabucks OD
Mioak's Golden Torch OD
Mioak's Spark O' Fire WCX
Mioak's Fieldmark Challenge
Mioak's Sparklin' Jezebel WCX *** OD
Mioak's Katie OD
Mioak's Golden Dancer
Sun Fire Sure Mark Tess Can. ***
Sunfire's Piece A Cake
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS
Sun Fire's Dynamo Duke
Sun Fires Banner of Gold CD
Sun Fire Danielle
Sun Fire's Morning Mist II CD WC
Can OTCH Sunfire's Flaming Skye Am UD
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Riverviews Cockleburr
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD
Lake Tahoe's Princess OD
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS ***
Chances R Wizard Of Wonders UD WCX
Weness Red Devil Cricket
AFC Yankee's Smoke'n Red Devil OS
Yankee Silly Fonthillian Am-Can ***
Yankee Starfire
FC AFC Northbreak Kinike Sir Jim OS FDHF
Kinike Go Go Deke
FC AFC Kinike Coquette CD FDHF
Duke Of Handjem ***
FC AFC Kinike Chancellor OS FDHF
Kinike Mystique ***
Kinike Reddy Huntress **
FC AFC Kinike's Oro de Rojo
Sungold Miss Tress Of Kinike ** WC
Kinike Of Duck Hollow
Kinike Kodiak
Riverdale's Loop Of Kinike
Sorehon's Kinike Teal
King Kinike of Handjem ***
Riverview's Kinike Drummer
Kinike Flirt of Sunset **
Yankee Fluff ***
Teddy XVIII ***
Yankee Royal
Deerhill's Rainbow Pivo
Magnum Calibres Chance Again Can/AmCDX AmWCX
Deerhill's Blaze of Glory **
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Riverviews Cockleburr
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC
AFC Bens Enchanted Glory OD FDHF
Ben's Enchanted Bonnie Babe
Enchanted's Dakota August
Kai of Willow Loch
Enchanted Belle of Ben Rajah
Thistle Rocks Super Magnum
Evergreen Enchanted Goldilox
Frisbies Enchanted Anheiser

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