
Golden Retriever

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Buckeye Kitty Hawk

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Buckeye Kitty Hawk
Buckeye Bennington Falkor
Buckeyes Big Bang
Woodie Custenborder
Alberta's Autumn Breeze
Buckeye Ticonderoga
Buckeye Lexington
CH Tuxedo's Acclaim To Fame OS
Am. CH Laurell's Inside Trader
CH Tuxedo's Savannah Encore
Tuxedo's Rave Review
Tuxedo's Center Stage
Laurell's Capital Gain
Heltzers Mr Ranger
Laurell's Cooperstown Option
Laurell's Across The Board
Tucker's Line Of Credit
Am. CH Tuxedo's Celebrity OD
Tuxedo's Standing Ovation CDX
CH Tuxedo's Leading Man
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF
Laurell's With A Hearty Cheer
Laurell's With Ablaze Of Glory
Laurell's With Oliver's Song
Laurells With Flying Colors
Laurell's Celebration Heart
Am. Ch. Laurell's Three Cheers
Am. Ch. Laurell's With A Victory Yell
Laurell With Banners Waving UD AX
Laurell's Rave Review
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS
Freedom's Cream O' The Crop UD
Am. CH Freedom's Cimaron Sage
Freedom's Coriolanus
AmCH Freedom's Celebrity Cowboy
Am. CH. Laurell's Scarlett O'Beara OD SDHF
Laurell's Hobson Flying Bear
Laurell's Amiable Bear
Laurell's Yats-A-Bear Of JJ
Laurell's Amelia Bearhart CD
Laurell's Bad News Bear
Am. CH Summit's Almond Delight OD
Summit's Cracklin Oats UD
Summit's Just Right
Summit's Shana Is Just Right
Summit's Apple Jacks CD
Summit's Sir Golden Grahams
Summit's Ghost Buster
Am/Can Ch Miramichi's Pier Connection OS
Am. CH Miramichi's Off The Wall
Miramichi's Plush Bottoms
Miramichi's Murjani Swan
Klondike's Chato De Shamrock
Klondike's Keno
Klondike's Mellow Fellow
Klondike's Latasha
Klondike's Always Reddi
Klondike's AJ Junior
Klondike's Whiskey Chaser
Buckeye Alberta Clipper
Winchesters Eclpse Royale
Am/Can CH Beckwiths Early Eclipse SDHF
BIS BISS Am./Can. CH Alderbrookes Rush Hill Rebel Am/Can TD OS SDHF
Alderbrooke's Carle
Am/Can CH Beckwiths Normandee Rose Am/Can CDX, Can WC
Buckeye Royal Winchester
Buckeye Bold Ruler WC
Can. CH OTCH Daystar's Bold Confederate OS
AmCH Daystar Rockcreek Jazzy Lady
Daystar's Abracadabra
Am CH Daystar Heart's Next Dance
Am. CH. Buckeye Tabetha
Foxfire's Buckeye Legacy
Buckeye Fairwind
Buckeye Samantha
OTCH Buckeye All the Right Stuff WCX JH TD VCX OBHF

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