
Golden Retriever

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Work of Art Number one-Nobel

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Work of Art Number one-Nobel
Work of Art Nice of You to Come Bye
Work of Art Napoleon Gold de Lux
Work of Art Nando up to date
Work of Art Noody Pro
Work of Art Non Profit
Al Mc Dowell Fabryka Champion?w
Tallygold Be A Chum
Tallygold Blonde Is Beautiful
NUCH KBHV92 WA92 Stenbury Waterwizardry (13.5 years)
Stenbury Waterwhispers
Stenbury Waterboy
Stenbury Waterwillow
Stenbury Waterwing Shot
NUCH Stenbury Waterwingon
Tallygold Tiptoe In the Tulips
Tallygold Tallulah Petula
Tallygold Toby Dog
Issadora Lassie
Porter Man
Lawless Lassie
Bibianna Ungaro
Pl.Jr.Ch., Pl.Ch. Qajun Atlas
Qajun Pallas Athene
Pol. Ch. Qajun Zeus
Qajun Herakles
CH PL JCH PL Qajun Ares (14 years)
Ch.Pl. Qajun Pythia
EW'92, Pol. Ch., Pol. Sg. - 91-92 Waterloos Ivanhoe in the Nightdream
Waterloo's Image for Beechforest
Troll's Angen's Toy
Betta Cerasus
Bella Cerasus
Boris (PKR VIII-3792)
Boris (ZADOK vom Nemohof x Snuf)

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