
Golden Retriever

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Spirit's Mighty Mo

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Spirit's Mighty Mo (AKC SR22866922)
Can OTCH, AGMCHV Spirit's River City Remedy JH, WCI, AmCDX, NP, VCX (CKC 1093021)
Spirited Chilie Pepper (AKC SR28609910)
Spirit Of The Goddess Nike (AKC SR28609909)
Spirited Rocket Girl (AKC SR28609908)
Spirited Riley (AKC SR28609904)
Spirited Elizabeth Ann (AKC SR28609903)
Spirit Of Jedi Skywalker AXP, MJP3 MJPB (AKC SR28609901)
Spirit Ginger Pye (AKC SR22866915 (5-08))
U-CH. Mordha's Shadow Spirit CD RN CGC HIC (AKC SR28609911 (4-12))
Spirit Of Tanner (AKC SR22866912)
GMOTCH Spirit Of Love II Can JH WCI (CKC 1093023)
Spirit's Busy B N Me (AKC SR22866920 (1-08))
Spirit's Golden Genevieve (AKC SR34344105)
Shoreland's Pistol Pete II CD MX MXJ NF OS Can CD (AKC SN770499/06 (4-05))
Shoreland's Bit Of Bree CD (AKC SN770499/01)
Shoreland Eagle Fly High CD (AKC SN770499/04)
Shoreland's Lil' Abby Angel (AKC SN770499/03)
Shoreland's Destined Dazzle CDX OS CanCDX (AKC SN03869104 (8-07))
Shoreland's Spice It Up (AKC SN038691/02)
Mioak's Real McCoy Am/Can *** OS (AKC SN03869107 (7-94))
WR Crow River's Golden Widget CD MH WCX ** OS (AKC SM80975201 (3-93))
Thistle Rocks Glenda (AKC SN22697101)
Thistle Rocks Brook (AKC SM809752/02)
Thistle Rocks Red Man (AKC SN16434002)
Thistlerocks Creep N' Charlie *** (AKC SM976719/04)
Shoreland's Full Of Spirit OD (AKC SE588819)
Shoreland's Bit Of Class Am/Can CDX OD (AKC SN219386/05)
Wild Wind Keepin In Step CDX (AKC SM82784207)
Wildwind's Keepin In Zip CD TDX JH WC (AKC SM82784204)
Wildwind's Keepin-Up Zoey CD (AKC SM82784202)
OTCh Wildwinds Keepin N Hot Water UDX OA Can CDX (AKC SM82784205)
Wildwinds Keepin N' Zane OD (AKC SM82784203)
OTCH Wildwind Keepin In Suspense UDX JH WCX OD (AKC SM82784206)
Shoreland's What a Deal OD (AKC SM83002206)
U-CDX Can OTCH Ballintra's Four Paw Drive UDX SH (AKC SM83002207)
Shorelands Big Hairy Deal Jr CDX JH (AKC SM830022/03)
Mordha's Dazzling Spirit (AKC SR00645510 (9-04))
Dazzle's Giggling Spirit (AKC SR00645508)
Spirited Lady Victoria (AKC SR00645509)
U-GRCH Jasmine Spirit Healer CDX RE CCA CGC (AKC SR00645506 (6-06))
Shoreland's Destined Dazzle CDX OS CanCDX (AKC SN03869104 (8-07))
Shoreland's Spice It Up (AKC SN038691/02)
Mioak's Real McCoy Am/Can *** OS (AKC SN03869107 (7-94))
WR Crow River's Golden Widget CD MH WCX ** OS (AKC SM80975201 (3-93))
Thistle Rocks Glenda (AKC SN22697101)
Thistle Rocks Brook (AKC SM809752/02)
Thistle Rocks Red Man (AKC SN16434002)
Thistlerocks Creep N' Charlie *** (AKC SM976719/04)
Shoreland's Full Of Spirit OD (AKC SE588819)
Shoreland's Funny Girl CD AX AXJ OD Can CDX (AKC SN63230507 (6-02))
Shoreland Thrills N Chills (AKC SN63230508)
Shoreland What A Thrill RAE OA AXJ (AKC SN63230502)
Shoreland's Thrill'n Step CD (AKC SN63230504)
OTCH Shoreland's Thrill Chaser UDX18 OBHF (AKC SN63230503)
Shoreland's Hi Speed Thrills CD, AX, MXJ (AKC SN632305/01)
Shorelands Two Hundred Stash CD (AKC SN632305/05)
Shoreland Obi-Wan Kenobi CD MX MXJ EGC EJC EAC (AKC SN69196206)
Shoreland's Razzle'n Dazzle UDX (AKC SN691962/02)
Shoreland's Echo Of Red Eagle (AKC SN632305/06)
OTCH Shoreland Upsie Daisy UDX2 SH (AKC SN69196201)
OTCh Wynwood's Thrill Of It All UDX JH Can. CD U-CD OBHF OS (AKC SF538583)
Wynwood's Aynde Makes Three Can CDX Am UDX (CKC 1044162)
OTCH Wynwood's Hot To Trot UDX OBHF (AKC SF539180)
Wynwood's Tequila Popper AmCD JH CanCDX TD WCI JH (CKC 1038498)
U-CD Wynwoods Master Tom Bombadil AKC, Can CD (AKC SF546129)
OTCH U-CD Wynwood's Triple Crown UDX OBHF (AKC SF533012)
Can OTCH Wynwood Two Zero Zero Can TD WCX JH Am UD (CKC 1037927)
Wynwood's Go For The Goldrush UD (AKC SF552071)
Wynwood's One 'N Only CDX, JH, WC (AKC SN09690101)
U-CDX Shoreland's Razz Ma Tazz Am./Can. CDX OD (AKC SM88751501)
OTCH Shoreland's Step in Time UDX (AKC SM887515/03)
U-CD Shoreland's Super Trooper Am/Can CD (AKC SM887515/02)
OTCh Shoreland Rainier Rambo UDX (AKC SM887515/04)

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