
Golden Retriever

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Tonara Rainbeau Of Roscraddoc

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Tonara Rainbeau Of Roscraddoc
Tonara Fawn of Ambergold
Tonara Raincloud
Tonara Norseman Of Rosyth
Tonara Rainfall Of Amberland
Amberland Black Sabre
Eng. Ch. Pinecrest Salvador
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro
Davern Fennella
Davern Fergus
Pinecrest Patricia
Holycrest Autumnal Fancy
Cragisle Lanya
Eng. SH. CH. Brackengold Max
Cragisle Lily Of The Valley
Starlance Raindancer Of Tonara
Starlance Saxon King
Starlance Prima Donna Of Torsinki
Starlance Sea Shells of Vinecroft
Starlance Ballerina
Starlance Latin Lady Of Stelamah
Starlance Huckleberry
Starlance Coffee 'N Cream
Slarlance Wine 'N' Roses
Starlance Wine'N' Roses
Starlance Watta Cracker
Glennessa Escapade (13.5 years)
Glennessa Erika
Glennessa Ericka
Starlance Capella
Starlance Bellatrix
Starlance Aquila of Oystergold
Starlance Gemini
Deerflite Fame Of Starlance
NORDUCH INTUCH Deerflite Salome (12.5 years)
Deerflite Selina OD
Deerflite Flirtation
Ch Deerflite Illustrious
Deerflite Sceptre of Clevegold
Eng. SH. CH. Concord Of Yeo
Crispin of Yeo
Caravelle Of Yeo
Caprice Of Yeo
Cedric Of Yeo
Elegance of Yeo
Cascade of Yeo
SUCH Enterprise of Yeo
Solitaire of Yeo of Bryanstown
Calypso Of Yeo
NUCH Caliph of Yeo
CanCH Cedarcroft Echo of Yeo CanCD
NUCH Likely Lad of Yeo
Can CH Shadywell Catkin of Yeo
Deerflite Pheasant
Deerflite Majestic
Am. CH. Deerflite Sunset CDX OD (10 years)
Deerflite Golden Treasury
Eng. SH. CH. Deerflite Rainfall

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