
Golden Retriever

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Doc Ray Bark

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Doc Ray Bark (AKC SD659696 10-83)
Doc Of Hun (AKC SC828014 (2/81))
Baron Hun (AKC SB572865 04-80)
Lady Diana Carolina (AKC SB372669 (6/1977))
Baron Carolina Swede (AKC SA925275 (11/1973))
Virginia's Golden Lady (AKC SB020460 (3/76))
Buff's Bad Boy (AKC SB053859 (3/1973))
Jeff's Golden Caretaker (AKC SB311393 (2/74))
Craver's Mr Bojangles (AKC SB098006 (7/78))
Goldie Marie (AKC SC288860 (4-80))
Beechhill Cayne Major (AKC SB496043 03-76)
Shannon Emporess Star (AKC SB448661 (6/76))
Glenn Of Sturgis Farm (AKC SB519159 (3/1980))
Lady Brandywine Of Southwick (AKC SB666251 08-76)
Sandra Joy (AKC SB523984 10-75)
Susan Tawn (AKC SB418849 (11/1975))
Doctor Watson III (AKC SB359812 02-76)
Shadowood's Daisy (AKC SC896639 11-80)
Golden Boy's Prince Linus (AKC SB288836 02-77)
Cheddy Golden Boy (AKC SA552159 (5/1970))
Priscilla Of Tall Oaks (AKC SA451398 (1/70))
General's Sister Lucy (AKC SA428584 (2/69))
Heather V (AKC SA448374 (6-71))
Honour's Golden Girl (AKC SA539240 (4/70))
Roger Ramjet (AKC SA539241 (11/1969))
Princess Of Lancer (AKC SA979222 (7/1972))
Golden Duke Heise (AKC SA910666 01-76)
White Oak's Golden Amber (AKC SA919864 (4/74))
Spirit Of Wyndale (AKC SC115986 03-78)
Lady Casey's Sunshine (AKC SB892566 (11/81))
Lucile Of Huntington (SB892567)
Farouk Of Huntington (AKC SB066248 (6-76))
Rex Van Dundee/Rex Can Dundee (AKC SB624610 (6/1975))
Gingerbread Boy Of Sea Island (AKC SB063045 (6/1977))
Brandy's Lady Casey (AKC SB593146 (6-76))
Cherokee Gold Eagle (AKC SB929683 (5/78))

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