
Golden Retriever

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Magnum's Golden Springer

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Magnum's Golden Springer (AKC SC101401)
BK's Bit O'Golden Honey (SC334631)
Magnum's O'O' Buckshot (AKC SC055076)
Magnum's Spicy Ginger (AKC SC006970)
Rumrunner's Brandy *** (AKC SB307857 (11/76))
Rumrunners Dear Abby
Rumrunner's Handyman *** (AKC SB784619)
Rumrunner's Boatswain **
Riverview King's Handyman CD *** (AKC SA820264 (3/1973))
Riverview King's Hopi CDX (AKC SA820265 (6/1972))
Riverview's Fielders Choice CD ** (AKC SA791838 (1/1973))
King Kinike of Handjem *** (AKC SA403210 (6/70))
Kinike Go Go Deke (AKC SA388298 (3/1969))
FC AFC Kinike Coquette CD FDHF (AKC SA-378622)
Duke Of Handjem *** (AKC SA403209 (7/1967))
FC AFC Kinike Chancellor OS FDHF (AKC SA708517 (12/71))
Kinike Mystique *** (AKC SA706021 (11-73))
Kinike Reddy Huntress ** (AKC SB245555 (5/1975))
FC AFC Northbreak Kinike Sir Jim OS FDHF (AKC SB-297944 (3/75))
FC AFC Kinike's Oro de Rojo (AKC SB-253962)
Sungold Miss Tress Of Kinike ** WC (AKC SA728679)
Kinike Of Duck Hollow (AKC SA719877 (7/1972))
Kinike Kodiak (AKC SA768556 (6/71))
Riverdale's Loop Of Kinike (AKC SA953393 (11/1973))
Sorehon's Kinike Teal (AKC SB230676)
Riverview's Kinike Drummer (AKC SA722830 (8/1972))
Kinike Flirt of Sunset ** (AKC SB234914 (10-75))
Riverview's Butternut (AKC SA409080 (6/1970))
Riverview's Sheldon (AKC SA378921 (7/69))
Riverview's Golden Bauble (AKC SA372050 (6/71))
Duncan Dell's Cinnamon CD (AKC SA543647 (10/1973))
Duncan Dell's MacDuff CD ** (AKC SA543646 (10/1972))
Duncan Dell's Ricoshea Riley (AKC SA546579 (11/1972))
Tigathoe's Teetotaler *** (AKC SA131935 (4/67))
Can. FTCH Tigathoe's Pekoe Tea Am** (AKC SA131934)
Tigathoes Nickotee ** (AKC SA168596 (7/64))
Tigathoe's Miss Tee (AKC SA168597 (4/1964))
Tigathoe's Mint Tea (AKC SA138160 (8/1964))
Am. CH. Duncan Dell's Carrageena (AKC SA152570 (3/65))
Duncan Dell's Cameo (AKC SA155782 (10/65))
Am. CH. Duncan Dell's Cover Girl (AKC SA160326 (12/1966))
Am. CH. Duncan Dell's Commandant (AKC SA160327 (9/1965))
Patton Manors Penny Ante (AKC SB625688)
Patton Manors Maggie Brown (AKC SB854193)
Patton Manor's Benedictine WC (AKC SB-778781 (6/77))
Browns Mingo Of Tishomingo (AKC SB704095 (5/76))
Oakey O Flinn *** (AKC SB-525347)
Bim Bam Beaux *** (AKC SB568876 02-76)
Jungold's Peg Of Patton Manor (AKC SC087811)
Patton Manor's Swamp Polly (AKC SC108143)
Trailblazers Jack of Farquar (AKC SB599993 (11/1975))
Patton Manors Drake (AKC SB833409)
Patton Manors Goliath (AKC SB604039)
Patton Manors Funky Phantom (AKC SB518576 (7/77))
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
FC AFC FTCH Bonnie Brooks Elmer OS FDHF (AKC SA297157 (2-70))
Bonnie Brook's Louie (AKC SA297156 (10/1969))
Bonnie Brook's Wilbur *** (AKC SA669376 (4/1974))
Bonnie Brook's Barney *** (AKC SA711557 (6/1972))
Bonnie Brooks Con Of Trollbo (AKC SA754066 (10/71))
FC Can FTCH Bonnie Brook's Tuff And A Half FDHF (AKC SA297155)
Bonnie Brooks Golden Nugget (AKC SA880593 (6/1972))
Bonnie Brook's Elmira (AKC SA743312 (10/71))
Bonnie Brook's Eloise WC (AKC SA795027 (10-71))
FC AFC Bonnie Brook's Red OS FDHF (AKC SA776255 (5/73))
Tigathoe's Chickasaw *** OD (AKC SA240341 (6/67))
Riverview's Chickasaw BB CD (AKC SA239204 (3/1966))
Chickasaw's Champagne (AKC SA239199 (4/1967))
Nichola's Lady Of Patton Manor WC (AKC SB119557 (10/1974))
Kinike Super Sabre CD WC (AKC SA640634 (6/70))
Kinike Nixie (AKC SA637938 (3/1973))
Kinike Mike (AKC SA635153 (12/71))
Cedarhaven Kinike Blaze (AKC SA853970 (6/1975))
Riverview's Kinike Rocket *** (AKC SA637940 (6/1971))
Kinike Enchantress *** (AKC SA637939 (5/71))
Spun Gold Bug (AKC SA957826 (7/1973))
Am. CH. Kinike Big Bad Red Of Topbrass CDX WC (AKC SA-893623)
Am. CH. Nichola's Patti of Rusticana (AKC SA666932 (11/72))
Can OTCH Rusticana Cloud-Nine Am UD OBHF (AKC SA741680 (6/1972))
Rusticana Tune O' The Pipes Am UDT (AKC SA668217 (6-71))
Rusticana Clipper Cain CD (AKC SA737432 (12/1973))
Rush Creek's Rusticana Daisy (AKC SA918103 (11/71))
Rusticana's Sancy UDT * OD OBHF (AKC SA-667785)

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