
Golden Retriever

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Winston's Golden Son Cooper

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Winston's Golden Son Cooper
Goldenpoppy's Amazing Emma
Tropico Dino's Best Winston
Tropico Bravest Ranger
Hailey's Comet Of Tropico
Tropico Kelly's Misty Lady
Tropico Sedona
UCI Int. CH. Gold-Rush Tropico's Dino (OFA GR-74188G29M-PI)
Gold-Rush's Bayside Yuppy (OFA GR-76385G36F-PI)
Sunny Sailor Boy
Am./Can. CH. Gold-Rush Matt Dillon (OFA GR-59237G24M-T)
Gold-Rush Miss Kitty
Jenlyn's Gold-Rush On My Mind (OFA GR-64556G26F-T)
CanCH Jenlyn Safari Mind If I Play (OFA GR-66639F31M)
Tropico's Only The Best (OFA GR-64744G38F-T)
Brickus' Amazing Dakota (OFA GR-52203G26F)
Tropico's Cheyanne Thunder
Tropico's Butterscotch
HiPoints December Nugget
Tropico's Song Bird (GR-64746G32F-T)
Tropico's Desert Wind (OFA GR-62216F24F-T)
Dawn Heir's Brassy Austin (OFA GR-53896F25M)
Sam The Golden Hunter (OFA GR-38495G63M)
Goldie Golden Sunset II
Shasta For Boys Only Club (OFA GR-46232G24M)
Princess Nala Noel (OFA GR-70763G48F-PI)
Alexandra's Golden Beauty (OFA GR-83836G28F-PI)
Chaparral's Lady Abigail (OFA GR-80631F24F-PI)
Hailey Isabella Piper Rubow (OFA GR-78382G24F-PI)
Peterson's Maximus
Catherine's Stinson Voyager (OFA GR-70619F30M-PI)
Ophircrest's Go Chardonnay
AmCH Fanfare's Box Office Smash (OFA GR-53870G24M)
Am Ch Fanfare's On Broadway (OFA GR-54007G24M-T)
Goldspun:Love Connection (OFA GR-58179G24F)
Goldspun's I'm on My Way (OFA GR-58291G24F)
Goldspun's Dances With Wolves (OFA GR-58559F24F-T)
Goldspun's Let's Make A Deal (OFA GR-58660F25M-T)
CH Hyline's School Girl Charm OD (OFA GR-58559F24F-T)
Goldspun's Name That Tune (OFA GR-58661G25F-T)
Catherine's J-Three Piper Cub II
Murrieta's Finest Star
Harvey's Lil Maverick Attack
Dawn Heirs Misty Lady (OFA GR-71659F27F-NOPI)
Evening Stars Ride Em Cowboy (OFA GR-61845G30M)
Evening Stars Take It To The Limit (OFA GR-62541G32F-T)
Evening Stars Dazzling Dakota (OFA GR-60650G26F-T)
Dawn Heir's Amber Dream (OFA GR-55038F27F)
Peaches of Brass (OFA GR-52692F27F)
Dawn Heir's Golden Savannah (OFA GR-58382G33F)
Buster Brass Weigand (OFA GR-51572F24M)

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