
Golden Retriever

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Eng. CH. Jonsen Honeysuckle Of Shalikar

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Eng. CH. Jonsen Honeysuckle Of Shalikar
Jonsen Young Cadett at Arkathia
Jonsen Bradys Challenge
Jonsen Christabel
Eng. CH. Ninell Rambruen JW
Ninell Robinia Of Bramhills
Ninell Reigneir
Ninell Richenda Of Halebourne (Other KC Reg. J4363201J11)
Eng. CH. Bethrob Bracken (Other KCSB 0242BR)
Bethrob Bellisma
Kimsgold Dean (Other KC Reg. 36386/76)
Garbank Golden Oriole (Other KC Reg.)
Eng. CH. Ninell Morwenna JW (Other KCSB 4351BU)
Ninell Magdalena of Scarholme (Other KC Reg. H0746402H05)
Eng. Sh. Ch. Gyrima Oliver (Other KCSB 2837BN)
Eng. CH. Ninell Franchesca (Other KCSB 1579BQ)
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Charade of Nortonwood
Eng. SH. CH. Ninell Crusade of Dabess
Ninell Cascade
Ninell Coronade of Dougmar
Ninell Filip
Brekswood Miranda Bay Of Jonsen
Beamsley Bombadil (Other KC Reg. G1689507G08)
Beamsley Bethsheba
Int, VDH Ch Beamsley Brodie
Eng. Ch. Westley Topic of Sansue
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Tarttan of Buidhe
Westley Teresa (S20179/76)
Westley Thomasina
Eng. CH. Telmah Anabel Of Beamsley
Telmah Barnaby (Other S60107/82)
Telmah Brandee of Hendreth (Other KC Reg. G2248503G08)
Telmah Alissa Of Laurenley
Telmah Blake
Eng. SH. CH. Telmah Belinda Of Dunbyan
Telmah Amberley
Telmah Beverley Of Bramblewoods (Other KC Reg. G2248507G08)
Brekswood Tamarindah
Brekswood Angelnah
Brekswood Benjamin
Brekswood Angelin
UK Sh Ch Lacons Enterprise (3270BJ)
Lacons Frisco Boy of Veroy
Singapore CH. Lacons Edelweiss
Lacons Glendora
Eng. SH. CH. Lacons Candy Floss
Lacon's Felicity Jane
Lacons Charioteer of Culray
Lacons French Lace of Dooneryan
Lacons Edelakiss
Lacons Enchantment of Veroy (24971/74)
Lacons Perry (Other 30 DKK 8509/73D)
Westrose Clarindah
Westrose Carlah
Westrose Crusadah

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