
Golden Retriever

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Shoreland's Strawberry

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shoreland's Strawberry (AKC SD337211)
Shoreland's Copper Katie (AKC SD361184 (7-84))
NAFC FC AFC Topbrass Cotton OS FDHF (AKC SC525135 (12/80))
Topbrass Sammamish Slew OD (AKC SC589823)
Topbrass Kinetic Kelly (AKC SB977915 (12-82))
OTCH Topbrass Ric O Shay Barty Can CD WCX OS OBHF (AKC SC000913 (11-81))
Topbrass Misdemeanor CD TD (AKC SC028552 (10/79))
Topbrass Blazen Baron ** (AKC SC683726)
Topbrass Markin Masterpiece *** (AKC SB979889)
Topbrass Sugar and Spice UD TDX (AKC SC685463)
Topbrass Custer ** (AKC SB981631)
Topbrass Patriot CDX TDX (AKC SC513919)
Topbrass Apple Of My Eye CD (AKC SC714840)
Topbrass Taco Belle (AKC SC933339)
Topbrass Malcairn's Zephyr UD ** WCX (AKC SC501375)
Topbrass War Cloud (AKC SC677490)
Topbrass Yogi Bear CD (AKC SC709172)
FC AFC Topbrass Mandy OD FDHF (AKC SC152486 (2/1979))
Topbrass Tahi Choki (AKC SC982096 (9/1982))
Topbrass Win Of Fox Creek WC (AKC SC491620 (6-81))
Topbrass Butter Up (AKC SC707359 (6/1981))
Topbrass Floating Kelp Bed ** (AKC SC682336)
Topbrass Entropy (AKC SD178458)
Topbrass KC Frontrunner (AKC SC687134)
Topbrass Katy (AKC SD312145 (6-82))
AFC Holway Barty OS (AKC SB147050 (9/73))
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Barrister (KC 2507BG)
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Jollity
Int. CH. Holway Joker
Holway Joyful *** OD (AKC SA798077 (6/1975))
Holway Barber
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Westhyde Zeus (Other KCSB3032AZ)
Westhyde Zana (CKC 721959 (1967))
Westhyde Zest
Eng. FT. CH. Westhyde Zurka
Eng. FT. CH. Westhyde Zenith
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Flush of Yeo < Flush Of Yeo (Other KCSB 1949AU (1962))
Ambassador Of Yeo WC (AKC SA053494 (5/63))
Fashion Of Yeo (Other KCSB 1825AU (1962))
Ch Sunstream Gypsy of Topbrass OD (AKC SB575915 (10/76))
Sunstream Golden Amber (AKC SB435727)
Sunstream Shady Lady CD (AKC SC693191)
Sunstream Whipper Snapper (AKC SC861938)
Sunstream And Gd's Golden Sue (AKC SC681865 (1-80))
Sunstream Tuppee of Braeburn WC (AKC SB443023)
Sunstream Amber Mist Of Slade UD (AKC SB441119)
Sunstream Laurell's Dreamer ** WCX (AKC SC682709)
Sunstream Misty Breeze Am./Can. CDX (AKC SC627807)
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Topeka of Sunstream CD WC OD (AKC SB116259 (5-74))
Topbrass Beckwiths Frisco CD (AKC SB109096 (10/73))
Am CH Topbrass Ad-Lib's Bangor CD *** OD (AKC SB-053708)
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Durango Brave CDX WC OS Can. CD (AKC SB112284 (2/1975))
Topbrass Tam O'Paisley CD (AKC SB056170 (1/75))
Am. CH. Topbrass San Francisco Flame OD (AKC SB169520 (11/73))
Shorelands Brandy Wine (AKC SC918614)
Angelic Honey Bear of Marina CD (AKC SC794835)
Shoreland's Beau (AKC SC794470)
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS (AKC SC917586 (8-82))
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS *** (AKC SC203461 (4-80))
Lake Tahoe's Princess OD (AKC SD113312)
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD (AKC SC762099)
Chances R Wizard Of Wonders UD WCX (AKC SC840631)
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer ** (AKC SB607773 (8-75))
Bonnie Brook's Bold Charlie (AKC SB712920 03-78)
BonnieBrooks Homer ***
Bonnie Brook's Archibald (AKC SB836681)
Bonnie Brook's Bojangles *** (AKC SB414588 (9-77))
Bonnie Brook's Sam *** (AKC SB413424)
Mioak's Ginger *** OD (AKC SB992950)
Bonnie Brook's Kaloni *** (AKC SC264663 (10/1980))
Chances R Milady (AKC SB652030 (10-77))
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta (AKC SC542121 (4-80))
Somday's Tally-O-Tawny UD (AKC SC513269)
Somday's Rising Sun Fire (AKC SC586402 (6-80))
Somday's Mike
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF (AKC SB045105 (2/74))
Tigathoe's Kiowa (F) (AKC SA760338 (10/72))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Tonga FDHF (AKC SA928990 (3/75))
FC AFC Tigathoe's Magic Marker OD FDHF (AKC SA916015)
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF (AKC SB170187 (6/74))
Tigathoe's Tonka ** (AKC SB017244 (8/1972))
Tigathoes Chippewa (AKC SB151426)
Tigathoe's Misty Morning *** (AKC SB030200 (6/1979))
Tigathoe's Jicarilla *** (AKC SB041008)
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC (AKC SB873519 (12-78))
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF (AKC SB847272 (2-80))
Riverviews Cockleburr (AKC SB936971 (3-79))

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