
Golden Retriever

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Amersham Moreau Brandy WCX **

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Amersham Moreau Brandy WCX ** (15 years)
Topbrass Bede of Amersham *** (16.5 years)
Topbrass High Flying Amy WCX (15 years)
Topbrass JJ's Cracker Jackie WCX
Topbrass Captain's Bonney
AFC Topbrass Gifford Of Valhaven WCX (16 years)
AFC Holway Barty OS (11 years)
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Barrister
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Jollity
Int. CH. Holway Joker
Holway Joyful *** OD
Holway Barber
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Westhyde Zeus
Westhyde Zana
Westhyde Zest
Eng. FT. CH. Westhyde Zurka
Eng. FT. CH. Westhyde Zenith
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Flush of Yeo < Flush Of Yeo
Ambassador Of Yeo WC
Fashion Of Yeo
Am CH Topbrass Ad-Lib's Bangor CD *** OD (15 years)
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Topeka of Sunstream CD WC OD (8.5 years)
Topbrass Beckwiths Frisco CD
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Durango Brave CDX WC OS Can. CD
Topbrass Tam O'Paisley CD
Am. CH. Topbrass San Francisco Flame OD (8 years)
Dual CH AFC Ronakers Novato Cain CD OS DDHF FDHF (12 years)
Ronakers High Guy
Am. CH. Ronakers Daring Diana UDT WC
Ronakers Pat Me Anytime
Ronakers Gypsy II
Am. CH. Ronakers Shadow Of Duke WC
Am. CH. Ronaker's Golden Orion UD *** (10 years)
Am. CH. Ronakers Novato Gunner
Am. CH. Ronakers Fearless Leader UD
Am. CH. Ronakers Delta Queen CD
Ronakers Betty J Of Novato CD
Valentine Torch of Topbrass WC OD (13 years)
Topbrass Daphne
Am. CH. Rockgold Ric's Cookie
Beckwith's Topbrass Regent CD
Lauries Golden Meagan CD WC
Leahs Captain Culpepper
Geo-Jo's Too-Yet
Kelly's Creamy Buckskin
Grisha (SC7000326)
Sir Kipley
La Petit Esprit
Sandy Of The Rocky Cascade
Garnet's Golden Honey
Rebel's Aethelbyrht
Peggy's Christy
Ginger Girl VIII CD
Linda's Sundance Kid
Lynn's Golden Diamond
Roy's Golden Rebel
Prince Charles of Chevrolet
Brazos Queen
Sharon's Copper Penny
David's Golden Cindy
Sloane's Mr Longfellow
Guinevere Of Lexington
Am. CH. Litilann's Fair Haired Boy
Johnny's Golden Penny

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