
Golden Retriever

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Rj's Angel

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Rj's Angel (AKC SN10369303)
Sir Maxwell The Wonder (AKC SM98963909)
Rj's Treasure (AKC SF222317)
Kountryside's Lucky Lad (AKC SE649190)
Stonelick Tiger Bill CDX WCX *** (AKC SC176173 (2-78))
Skylab Sparkling Shasta (AKC SC046637 (2-81))
Skylab's Shannon Sparkle CDX (AKC SC-040123)
Cinnamon's Noise Maker CD (AKC SB848426)
Lusty Sungold Lola (AKC SB-873746)
Corky My Glory (AKC SB895982)
Conant Farm's Skylab Trekkie (AKC SB-999744)
OTCH Sungold Duke of Brookshire WCX OS OBHF (AKC SB857613 (5/1977))
Goldbriar's K T Did CD WCX (AKC SD108352)
Goldbriar's Askum (AKC SD191455)
Yeller's Bridgette (AKC SE022438)
Macon's Golden Fleece (AKC SD010808 (3/83))
Goldmark Independence (SC096978) (AKC SC096978 (3/1983))
Brandelynn's Goldmark Dusty (AKC SC420451)
May's Golden Adam (AKC SD057452 (8-81))

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