
Golden Retriever

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Giltedge After The Storm

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Giltedge After The Storm
Giltedge Top Gun
Aust. Ch. Giltedge The Gambler (10.5 years)
Giltedge Jerry Maguire
Giltedge Hollywood
Giltedge Bring It On
Giltedge Pretty Woman
Giltedge Nicole
BISS Aust Ch Giltedge Hemingway (11.5 years)
BISS Aust Ch Giltedge Charlotte
Aust CH Giltedge Jane Eyre (13 years)
Aust. Ch. Stanroph School Boy KCJW
Garvin Gigolo
Garvin Gangsters Moll at Putjade
Garvin Gypsy Rose
Stanroph Sailors Fantasy
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW (11 years)
SUCH Stanroph Sincerely Yours (12 years)
Stanroph Sailor Man (13 years)
Stanroph Sally Ann for Ritzilyn
Stanroph Social Climber
Stanroph Shere Nectar Of Garvin
Stanroph Solid Steel
Stanroph Seventh Heaven
Stanroph Shine For Sure
Stanroph Sinclair Boy
Eng. SH. Ch. Stanroph Soldier Boy (12 years)
MBISS Aust Ch Fantango In Poppy Fields
Aust. CH. Fantango Vintage Crop
Aust CH Fantango Chasing Dreams (15 years)
Tasvane Indiana
Tasvane Charlie's Son of Rossbourne
Tasvane Tintalora of Goldpeke
Tasvane Inspiration
WW''98, SU(U)CH NUCH Tasvane Torrita
BISS Aust Ch Fantango Field Of Dreams
RuBISS Aust. Ch. Giltedge Florida Storm
Aust Ch Giltedge Tara
Giltedge Storm In A Teacup
NZ Ch Giltedge Stormthetasman
Aust. CH. Standfast Dream Ticket From Kerrien (13.5 years)
Standfast Del Rio of Hayjoy
Eng. SH. CH. Standfast Desdemona of Crowood JW (13 years)
Eng. SH. CH. Crowood Butch Cassidy
Crowood Calpernia
Crowood Blind Date With Keremma
Crowood Cleopatra
Darrochonna Tzarini of Standfast
Darrochonna Tamasin of Standfast
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Virginia (16.5 years)
Dewmist Silverado
Can CH Dewmist Santorini Can OS (10 years)
Dewmist Saratoga
Dewmist Santillana
Int./Belg. CH. Dewmist Santiago
Dewmist Salamanca
Dewmist Shackleton
SU(U)CH NUCH Dewmist Savannah
Dewmist Samarinda
Jonesh Oklahoma
Jonesh Orinoco
Aust Ch Jonesh Outlaw (9 years)

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