
Golden Retriever

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Dinker (S864220)

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Dinker (S864220) (AKC S864220 (10/57))
Am. CH. Agnew's Jabber ** DDHF (AKC S717435 (8/1958))
Diana D'Oro (AKC S761593 (8/58))
Cramer's Golden Dutchess/Cramer's Golden Duchess (AKC S753389 (8/1959))
Oakcreek's Golden Chase ** (AKC S128483)
Oakcreek's Royal King (AKC S153892 (1/48))
Oakcreek's Timothy (AKC S033438 (10/1946))
Oakcreek's Jill (AKC S033427 (10/1946))
Oakcreek's Jay (AKC S033440 (10/46))
Oakcreek's Lee (AKC S033439 (10/46))
Oakcreek's Playboy (AKC S033441 (10/46))
Victorious of Roedare OS (AKC A940555 (2/1946))
FC Golden Beauty Of Roedare OD (AKC A246295 (7/1938))
FC Patricia of Roedare (AKC A-300261 - 3/1939)
Diana of Roedare (AKC A782905 (1/1945))
Rockhaven Plutoboy OS
Lady of Roedare OD (AKC A782899 (1/1945))
Susan Of Roedare
Nero of Roedare *** (AKC A-112862 (12/1936))
Golden West Nugget (AKC A872756)
Rex (S391052) (AKC S391052 (9/1950))
Blondie (A926093) (AKC A926093 (2/1946))
Tonkahof Admiral OS (AKC A-390569 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Achilles (AKC A390567 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Adjutant (AKC A390568 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Aeneus (AKC A390570 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Ajax (AKC A390565 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Apollo (AKC A390566 (4/1940))
Tonkahof Artemis (AKC A390571 (4/1940))
Goldwood Ginger (AKC A541518 (2/1942))
Goldwood Sandee *** (AKC A-872640-10/45)
Goldwood Frisco *** (AKC A872638 (10/45))
Goldwood Sunshine (AKC A541516 (2/1942))
Goldwood Fella (AKC A541515 (2/1942))
Goldwood Toby UD OBHF (AKC A541514 (2/42))
Goldwood Gunnar Boy (AKC A561265 (4/1942))
Goldwood Kris (AKC A-541517-2/42)
Lady Luck Of The Golden West (AKC S530072 (6/1955))
Nugget Of The Golden West (AKC S530073 (8/58))
Am. CH. Prince Copper Of Malibu SDHF (AKC S211485)
Am. CH. Czarina Of Wildwood (AKC S243961 (12/1948))
Dawn Of Malibu (AKC S-210982)
Am. CH. Wildwood Major (AKC S-117206-9/47)
Wildwood Wildfire (AKC S110761 (8/1947))
Am./Can. CH. Auric Of Wildwood SDHF (AKC S097283 (7-47))
Rustic Wildwood
Am. CH. Czar's Bracken Of Coastwise (AKC S095576 (7/47))
Am. CH. Coronet Of Wildwood (AKC S060166 (2/1947))
Belle Of Wildwood (AKC S060165 (2/1947))
Sweet Mollie Malone (AKC S144746 (12/1947))
Wildwood Sensation (AKC S060163 (2/1947))
Wildwood Whirlaway (AKC S60164 (2/1947))
Tangerine (S062024) (AKC S062024 (2/1947))
Am. CH. Wildwood Golden Boy (AKC S-051125-12/46)
R R Stardust V (AKC S123330)
Gilliam's Rival (AKC A879877)
R. R. Beauty (AKC A882212)
Jean Of Ohio (AKC A883399)
Rolling Ridge Diana (AKC A884138)
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF (AKC A-489313-6/41)
Tonkahof Buckshot (AKC A489314 (6/1941))
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD (AKC A489316 (6/41))
Tonkahof Bacchus (AKC A489315 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Beebe (AKC A489317 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Betty (AKC A489318 (6/1941))
Tonkahof Blaze (AKC A489319 (6/1941))
Sprite of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626663 (1/1943))
Aura Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626664 (1/1943))
Boots Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626669 (1/1943))
Hermit Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626668 (1/1943))
Kahn Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626671 (1/1943))
Mischief Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626661 (1/1943))
Nugget Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626670 (1/1943))
Puck Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626672 (1/1943))
Titan Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626667 (1/1943))
R. R. Dust (AKC S051505 (12/46))
R R Boots (AKC S051501 (12/46))
R R Bruce (AKC S051502 (12/46))
R R Diana (AKC S051503 (12/46))
R R Echo III (AKC S051509 (12/46))
R R Ginger (AKC S051504 (12/46))
R R Nip (AKC S051508 (12/46))
R. R. Nugget (A888609) (AKC A888609)
R. R. Alicia (AKC A861923)
R. R. Rival (AKC A861921)
Am. CH. R. R. Star (AKC S051510 (12/46))
R. R. Rival II *** (AKC A-888608)
R R Wing (AKC S051507 (12/46))
RR Starlight
Pixie of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626665 (1/1943))
Waggener's Rusty (AKC S081596 (5/1947))
Star of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626662 (1/1943))
Ajax Of Rolling Ridge (AKC A626666 (1/1943))

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