
Golden Retriever

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K's Gold Rush Ginger May

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

K's Gold Rush Ginger May (AKC SM73062002)
D-J's Ashley-Ann (AKC SF942555)
Crume K's Rocky (AKC SE959018 (2-88))
Crume K's Sheba (AKC SF375773)
Crume K's Just In Time (AKC SE885600)
Crume K's Gold-Rush Barney CD (AKC SE305919 (1-86))
Chamois Bear Gold-Rush (AKC SD946991)
Am/Bda CH Copper Lee Gold Rush Apollo OS SDHF (AKC SC578835 (1-80))
Am CH Gold Rush Copper Lee WC (AKC SC572167)
Am CH Copper Lee Gold-Rush Legend (AKC SC909623)
Copper Lee Gold Rush Desiree (AKC SC909622)
Am CH Sunshine Hill Copperlee Pozy (AKC SC978100)
Copper Lee Gold-Rush Cascade OD (AKC SC578884 (1/81))
Valentine's Golden Teddy Bear
Copper Lee Goldwing's Diana (AKC SC980198)
Gold-Rush Barnegat Breeze (AKC SD851248 (5/84))
Crume K's Dancing Lady (AKC SE362523)
Crume K's Golden Girl (AKC SE457671 (7-86))
Crume K's Melody of Love (AKC SE362529)
Sandarac Niles (AKC SB862889 (11/76))
Sandarac's Kirsten (AKC SB851514)
Lacasellas Captain Gold (AKC SC354795 (10/78))
Am. CH. Sandarac Cricket (AKC SC270050)
Am. CH. Karmiloch Morgan Of Sandarac (AKC SB431805)
Sandarac Holland (AKC SB795336 (3/76))
Kyle's Goldy (AKC SD351964)
Crume K's Sheenah (AKC SE759835 04-89)
Crume K's Gold-Rush Barney CD (AKC SE305919 (1-86))
Chamois Bear Gold-Rush (AKC SD946991)
Am/Bda CH Copper Lee Gold Rush Apollo OS SDHF (AKC SC578835 (1-80))
Am CH Gold Rush Copper Lee WC (AKC SC572167)
Am CH Copper Lee Gold-Rush Legend (AKC SC909623)
Copper Lee Gold Rush Desiree (AKC SC909622)
Am CH Sunshine Hill Copperlee Pozy (AKC SC978100)
Copper Lee Gold-Rush Cascade OD (AKC SC578884 (1/81))
Valentine's Golden Teddy Bear
Copper Lee Goldwing's Diana (AKC SC980198)
Gold-Rush Barnegat Breeze (AKC SD851248 (5/84))
Crume K's Tara (AKC SC585841 (05-80))
Crume K's Candy (AKC SD060718 (12-82))
Crume K's Sugar (AKC SC234574 (7-78))
Crume K's Astro (AKC SC585843 (7-79))
Crume K's Lady Nicole (AKC SE457673 (6-86))
Crume K's Atlas (AKC SC585842 (1-80))
Crume K's Chip (AKC SC434914 (6/1979))
Crume K's Jackie (AKC SC434912 (10/79))
Sandarac Niles (AKC SB862889 (11/76))
Sandarac's Kirsten (AKC SB851514)
Lacasellas Captain Gold (AKC SC354795 (10/78))
Am. CH. Sandarac Cricket (AKC SC270050)
Am. CH. Karmiloch Morgan Of Sandarac (AKC SB431805)
Sandarac Holland (AKC SB795336 (3/76))
Crume K's Honey (AKC SC024272 (4/77))

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